Chapter 13 - Revelations in the Dark

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You would think that I would rest in bed to recover from my injuries, but I just couldn't. Today was Sunday and Nate had promised to take me to this 'coven.' The same coven that instructed Nate to take a knife and stab me in my chest! I wanted nothing more than to fuck up all of these coven members. But I was also curious to find out if this coven was connected to all of other supernatural shit that was going on. Were Mykael's family a part of this coven? Better yet was that sexy woman I saw last night a member?? I just wanted answers and I hoped this meeting would lead me in the right direction.

I stood beside Nate as he put on his long black trench coat before we walked out of our dorm room. This dude was so fucking weird it spooked me. The jacket made him look suspicious as shit and it didn't help that he had on the dark nail polish and some spooky, weird ass accessories too. For instance , he was wearing some type of silver bracelet with spikes on it, several rings and even a weird ass ruby necklace. As creepy as he dressed, Nate still appeared nervous as we walked across campus.

Although it was Sunday night, there was still quite a bit of people hanging out in the commons and courtyard area. Which was partly due to the fact that it was pretty decent weather on this particular evening; it was mildly warm with a nice gentle breeze. Getting distracted by all of the fine men and women on campus, I almost lost sight of Nate as he made a quick left and the right into an narrow alleyway. Why had I never noticed this passageway before?! It might because it was creepy as fuck (in a rape alley sort of way).

"Aye wait up." I called out to Nate as he continued to walk ahead at a brisk pace.

"Aren't you suppose to be a runner, hurry up. We're late as it is." Nate retorted as i jogged to catch up to him.

"Dude, you're late everywhere you go!" I responded as I continued walking with him through yet another alleyway. "Going off the beaten path I see."

"We're almost there but yeah we kinda have to be discreet about our meetings." Nate eerily responded.

"Wait a minute look at me." I said stopping him and abruptly turning him around. "Nate listen to me. If you brought me here to kill me, stab or any other satanic cult shit your people do just know that I bought a few weapons of my own and if I don't show up to the cafe for breakfast tomorrow morning, Sharon knows to call the police!"

"Bro, I told you a million times I'm sorry for pulling that knife on you. I only bought you here to prove to you that this coven is real. So you can see for yourself." Nate said pushing my hands away as I had began yoking him up.

"And what exactly am I going to see? What is it that these people do?" I asked.

"Come with me and I'll show you, you'll have to see it to believe it." Nate replied.

"Nathaniel," Said a female voice behind us. I was shook a little since I hadn't heard her walk up on us. "Who is the new prospect?"

"Hey Connie!" Nate said nervously smiling. "This is my roommate Kyree, Kyree this is my good friend Connie."

As we turned to face her, I recognized her from campus. She was this Latina chick that I believe was either a junior or a senior and ran on the track team. From what I've heard she was a really good runner and seeing her up close, I must say she was very pretty. She had dyed her short hair deep black and was very petite but curvy. She had a nice olive complexion and dressed in a  black skirt and a matching blouse.

She referred to me as a prospect? I guess that was good, she actually thought I was interested in this dark, demonic shit. I was actually surprised that she was, she wasn't really a gothic type like Nate. She was pretty and popular, it made me even curious about this coven was about after seeing that Connie was a part of it.

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