Chapter 3 - Thirsting

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I could not help but to stand there and stare at this man. No not stare, gawk, I was fucking gawking. My mind was going into overload because he had the audacity to be there, half-naked, standing in the mirror looking at himself as if there was a single thing to fix. He was perfect. He had to know it, he was a sexy ass Adonis, the epitome of sex. The man was off the richter scale of attractiveness. I was frozen and if I did not get a hold of myself soon my towel would start to tent. No lie, this man must have worked out every day. His body was a masterpiece, sculpted by iron and I'm sure perfected with daily calisthenics. His chest was rock solid, his muscles were ripped and I think I could count an 8-pac on his magnificent stomach.

I guess he could feel me looking at him or maybe he saw me in the mirror's reflection because he turned and locked eyes with me. My heart fluttered and my manhood stood at full attention, causing major embarrassment for me. This man had the most intense beautiful brown eyes I ever had the pleasure of gazing into. He certainly bore the same eyes as his remarkably attractive father, only his were softer, almost innocent and definitely more alluring.

I should have been afraid, I should have been terrified. And maybe a small part of me was, the part of me that knew his father and uncle were paranormals whom may have made an attempt on my life last night. This was all so crazy, surreal. But I couldn't help but be attracted to him. Captivated by his flawless body and handsome features. He could very well be a paranormal himself with the ability to strike me down dead from right where he stood, but I could not move an inch from where I stood. I didn't dare move a muscle, he was noticing me noticing him and I was transfixed.

Suddenly I was being nudged forcefully by another person as they entered into the bathroom area. I lost my eye lock with my infatuation and turned to see someone I did recognize as having lived on my dorm floor, Vance Saunders. I wasn't exactly friends with him but we were cordial to one another, having lived on the same floor for the past six months and we were both sophomores.

"What's taking you so long?" Vance addressed the Adonis and glanced back at me as I was still in the same spot looking like an idiot. "We gotta go Mykael."

Vance gave a very hard and quizzical look. It wasn't every day you found two guys eye fucking each other clad in own bath towels in the shower area. Well at least I was eye fucking Mykael.

I knew his name now, Mykael. Such a unique name for such a uniquely handsome guy.

"Bruh you good? What the hell you staring at?" Vance addressed me as my brain was preoccupied with learning the name of my crush. I was literally repeating his name, Mykael, 50 times over in my head.

The way Vance looked at me and spoke, felt, I don't know, a little protective. It was definitely very odd but I was one to speak on it given the fact that i just spent like the past 5 minutes gazing at Mykael in nothing but a towel and sporting a very noticeable boner. Were these two... no it could not be. I didn't think Vance was gay. Mykael didn't actually seem gay either, he just had a prettiness to him. The way he stood and postured, I would say he was some sort of big jock. I couldn't decide if it were basketball or football, or he was some incredible phenom that was master at both. He sure had the body of an Olympian.

Vance was a bit of a cutie too. He was about 6'2, mixed with white and black, and had very attractive features. To me he favored a lighter version of Diggy Simmons. He was cocky type and a bit of a hot head too, I've seen him get into numerous arguments on campus over the dumbest of shit.

"My bad y'all, I'm hungover as shit," I played it off and made a dash for it in the showers. As I turned on the water, I heard the muffled voices of Vance and Mykael but couldn't make out what they were saying to each other and all too quickly I heard the bathroom door open and close, indicating their abrupt departure. I expelled a heavy sigh as I realized that I was now bonkers for Mykael.

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