Chapter 2 - Dark Twisted Dream

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I woke up in the woods the next morning disoriented as ever. As my eyes opened, I strained to see as the bright sun was casted down on me, and for a several moments I fought to remember what happened the night before. How did I end up having a slumber party in the woods? I tried to sit up but found it really hard to as my muscles were sore as shit. But the itchy ass flies and bugs on me was motivation enough to get me up on my feet and shake them off. Eww!

Then my memory jogged back to a single thought, I had seen the sexiest man I had ever laid eyes on last night! Was it real? Even though he was unconscious, his facial features were remarkably handsome. No, not just handsome, sexy, jaw-dropping, breath-taking. The man was everything!

Wait a minute? He must have been Zander's son? I started to remember everything that happened to me last night and none of it was making any sense. I was there to film a moonflower blooming, but instead stumbled upon a freaky ass family that I wasn't even sure were human. They had, what do I call them, powers or some shit. Was I high last night? Had I tried one of those wild mushrooms in the forest and started tripping?

It had to have been Zander's son, because unlike Rafael, Zander and his son's resemblance was unmistakable. He was a younger, hotter and more exotic version of Zander. It was like he was Zander 2.0. I wondered if he shared the same deep brown eyes of his father. If he did, and if I was ever graced with his presence again, I was in for trouble for sure! I would probably ravage him in lust (lol). I never before had been some caught up in someone's looks before until that moment. I mean sure, I've lusted over attractive people before, of both sexes, for that matter. Who didn't like to look at attractive people? But this was different, it was like I felt something for him, and I didn't even know this dude. I couldn't get his beautiful face out of my head. And I was calling him beautiful. That was new too, I had never called any man beautiful before, but that is what he was. He was a very beautiful man. Strikingly-handsome, beyond sexy, and 'jaw-droppingly' beautiful.

I tried to shake off these emotions, it was just too much. I didn't get crushes like this over people I hadn't even had a conversation with. I mean the man was unconscious for crying out loud. Who falls for a man that is unconscious!?

Besides, what's more, was the fact the those, I don't what to call them, I guess I would go with paranormal entities for now. The fact these paranormal entities had the power to lift me off the ground and render my body immobile, was what I should be obsessing about. It was not possible! I didn't believe in magic or aliens, maybe they were demons because I believed in God, Jesus, and the Devil; but they didn't seemed like demons to me. Demons were supposed to possess humans and Zander and Rafael didn't seem possessed. But what do I know? Maybe they were demons or possessed by demons and were meeting in the dark forest at night to pledge allegiance to Satan. Was anything that happened last night even real?

As I tried to gather my thoughts and not have a freak out, I searched my pockets for my cellphone. Fuck, it was almost 10:00am and my battery was low. I was supposed to be in my first class in thirty minutes and was about an hour away from campus. What's more is my film class was later this afternoon and I had no assignment to present. Call me Mr. Procrastinator because I literally waited to the night before to complete my assignment and now I had nothing to present. I was fucked!

I ran down the mountain, sprinting through the trail as fast as my wobbly legs would take me. I was stilling feeling woozy and off-balanced having been shocked by some sort of electric bolt last night but my adrenaline was pumping to get the fuck away from Kittatinny Mountain. I was for damn sure not coming back there again. I sped off in my car like a bat out of hell.

I made by way back to my college campus minutes before 11:00am and headed straight to my Philosophy class. I didn't even bother showering or stopping in my dorm room to grab my book bag. Suffice to say I showed up in that bitch without my books, a notebook or even a pen to write with.

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