Chapter 10 - Stirred Emotions

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I successfully managed to avoid Nate for most of the week spending most of my time in class, the cafeteria, library and over at Sharon's dorm. Well I mostly crashed at Sharon's, I may have spent one or two nights at Farah's sorority house. That woman had it bad for me and I must admit, at least to myself, that she was nice to be around. Farah had a sexiness about her that she almost obliviously seemed to elude without trying. The nights and mornings I spent over at her crib had been fun, not only due to the bomb ass sex we had but also cause she was chill.

As far as staying with Sharon, in order for her to get off my back about why I wasn't sleeping in my own dorm, I made up a little lie that it was because I had caught him jerking off to a picture of me while blasting Marilyn Manson and I was now too weirded out to be around him. Was it REALLY that far from the truth? Okaaay, maybe just a little.

By Thursday afternoon I wanted nothing more for the weekend to be here already. My professors were giving us loads of homework and I just couldn't take it anymore! Just as I headed out from last class of the day, something or rather someone caught my eye. The beautiful specimen of a man in the form of Mykael. I quickly decided to ignore the feeling within my gut that screamed for me to run the other way, and daringly, I approached him.

I took a deep breath as I made my way through the courtyard to intercept him in his path.

"Hey man what's up?" I said all so casually as I approached him.

Mykael seemed to be lost in thought as he stopped mid-stride and just stared at me.

"Uhh hey." He awkwardly returned my greeting.

Okay this was going WELL thus far.

"Kyree right?" He quickly inserted causing a small smirk to form on my face.

Good he remembered my name!

"Yeah man, that's me." Why did I act so corny when I was around this dude. If I were any more fair skinned, Mykael would have been able to see that I started to blush.

Mykael seemed to enjoy my awkwardness around him because he started chuckling or maybe it was one of laughs you do when you're uncomfortable.

Speaking of uncomfortable... I had been thinking about the night I encountered Mykael's father and uncle again. There was that strange occurrence of lightning with no end, like literally a series of lightning bolts striking down endlessly. My new theory was that Mykael was doing it somehow. That he was causing it. But that was crazy to think wasn't it? None of it was making any sense though. Why was he out there? Why were any of his family out there? He was close to the lightning storm, much closer than anyone could be without being at risk of getting struck. But how I can begin to even explore this conversation with him? I didn't even know him nor did he know me. How could I begin to explain that I had saw him and at what risk would I put myself in if I did? If I was even half-right about Mykael having powers, I could be in danger by telling him. For now, he knew nothing of my knowledge and I surmised I had to keep it that way. Mykael could be danger, but his sex appeal still drew me in, I was drawn by the danger like a fly to a zapper.

"So uhh," I said clearing my throat as I struggled to think of something else to say to him. "You heard about the Que party this weekend?"

"Yeah I heard about it, but the party scene is really not my thing." He responded with a shrug.

Even the way he shrugged his shoulders was sexy. I took a moment to admire his tall well-sculpted body which couldn't even be contained within his sporty sweat pants and long sleeved shirt, his luscious big lips, beautiful captivating eyes, pearly-white teeth, and God help me even his hands looked sexy. The man's hands for crying out loud!

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