Chapter 12 - Surreptitious Relations

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Just as our passionate kiss began, it ended as Mykael pulled away from me.

He pushed me away ever so delicately, all the while he kept his eyes closed as he let out a labored deep breath.

"We... Kyree.. We can't." It was the words that made my heart flutter.

I braced myself knowing this moment could destroy me. This man who just gave me the best kiss of my life, very next words could shatter all the feelings he had just unlocked. I was still trying to process what I just felt. It was an electric out of body experience.

"I'm sorry." The way he looked at me I could tell he was extremely uncomfortable. He wouldn't even look me in the eyes. Was Mykael in fact straight? He was indeed a man's man, with the physique of a professional basketball player, a deep baritone voice, gentlemen swagger, and assured persona. Was he just overtly friendly to people, or maybe he was curious but I was moving too fast for him?

"Is it because I'm a guy, you've never umm.." I found myself asking.

He quickly shook his head no.

"That's not it at all. I'm in a relationship Kyree." He revealed and I felt crushed. A relationship, wait how had I missed that? Was there someone woman I hadn't noticed him with, or maybe she didn't attend our university. Wait how was I even so sure it was a woman? I guess the most important thing was that Mykael was not available, he was in e relationship and I should respect that.  I definitely didn't want to be labeled as some man stealing thot, that's never who I was.

"I didn't know. I'm not the type to cause someone to cheat." The way Mykael's flustered face looked made me feel terrible for kissing him so abruptly. He had guilt written all over his face. But I thought there were signs, had I been reading the moment all wrong? Had I been reading the way he stared at me wrong? And what's more, he kissed me back, I knew for certain that I felt his tongue down my throat!

"No one really knows..." I could sense he was hesitant to tell me whatever it was he was about to say. "I'm dating Vance."

Fuck, I suspected that! Vance acted way too over protective over Mykael than any straight man should. But ugh why Vance?! Vance had my dream guy and I never felt so jealous before. And still I was shocked of this revelation. I couldn't wrap my head around this, it was absolutely unbelievable. So I now had to digest that Mykael was gay and Vance was also gay. And they were together, the two of them in a relationship! How could this be?! Sure Vance was attractive, but Mykael was a work of art. He was certainly out of Vance's league. Shit, Mykael was out of both our leagues for that matter!

"Oh wow, umm, I didn't, I mean how, oh wow." I was a mess of words as a thousand thoughts consumed my head. How long had they been together? Was it serious? Were they in love?

"Kyree, I know I'm just laying this all on you. I'm sorry to do that to you, I didn't mean to mislead you in any way. I want us to be friends, you're the first dude on campus I can actually see myself hanging out with." He was trying to gently let me down. What was funny was that I noticed a flaw in his statement, an opening that maybe gave me hope that there could be an us one day. And even as he was rejecting me, oddly enough I found myself smiling at him.

"You mean besides your boyfriend? I am only the dude you campus you can see yourself hanging out with outside your boyfriend, I mean he is a dude too right?" I couldn't help but smirk and Mykael fought off a smile at my prodding. I was just testing the waters a bit.

"Umm, yeah besides Vance. Listen, I hate to ask you this but could you keep this between us?" He asked getting solemn on me. And fuck, his eyes! His deep brown beautiful eyes pleaded with me to see things his way. Those puppy dog eyes were just so too adorable, way more adorable than Nate's. Mykael was very dangerous indeed! I was ready to keep anything he wanted between us if he continued to look at me like this, I was putty in his hands.

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