Chapter 9- Enter Three's Company

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I managed to make it back to my dorm to take a quick shower, change clothes, and grab my book bag without running into Nate. He usually slept in late, but luckily for me, he wasn't in our room when I got there.

Not trying to test my luck, I quickly ran out my dorm heading to meet Sharon at the cafe. As I approached the cafe, I noticed Farah headed towards my direction.

"Hey stranger!" She said with a little smirk forming on her face.

"Why I gotta be a stranger though?" I returned her smile instantly going into flirtation mode.

"Because you told me you would hit me up and up to now.." Farah gestured to her phone and gave me a look of mocked puzzlement. 

"I know my bad," I apologized grabbing Farah's hand. "I had a really, really crazy weekend."

I put on my charm by looking deep into her eyes as I asked for forgiveness.

"Uh huh, I forgive you I guess. Where are you headed?" She asked.

"I am bout to head into the cafe and meet up with Sharon."  I responded gesturing towards the cafe behind us. Speaking of which, if I didn't hurry, Sharon would flip out on me for making her wait this long.

Farah gave me a side eye as she said, "Ya'll sure seem to be around each other a lot."

I should have saw that coming, jealously rears it's ugly head yet again when it came to the Kyree & Sharon friendship. Why couldn't anyone believe that we were just friends.

"Yeah best friends tend to do that, don't they?" I replied being a bit of a smart ass.

Farah flipped her hair and smiled, "My bad, I'm acting like I'm catching feelings already. Can I tag along with ya'll I'm kinda hungry myself?"

Not caring either way, I put my arm around her and proceeded to escort her into the cafe.

"Sorry," I said to Sharon who had already ordered her and I breakfast and iced coffees. She had even managed to secure a standing highboy table, a hard feat to accomplish in the bustling cafe.

"Uh huh, you owe me $5.95 chump! Hey Farah." Sharon greeted her warmly with a smile.

"Hey girl," Farah responded while I quickly picked up my iced coffee and began devouring it. "Damn Kyree, slow down."

"This fool be acting like a crack head for caffeine, I'm surprised he even made it this long without having his morning dose." Sharon ribbed.

I didn't bother responding with words but returned her remark with my middle finger.

After a quick laugh, Farah said "I'm going to go grab something too. Kyree you want another coffee?"

"Nah I'm good." I replied as I came up for air. I licked my lips as she walked away. Farah had a nice little body and she knew how to walk away seductively. I might have to fuck her again real soon.

"Hmmmmm," Sharon hummed as she sipped on her own iced coffee.

"What?" I asked turning from Farah to look at Sharon.

"Oh nothing, just looks like someone is in love." She remarked.

"Oh please ain't nobody in love, I'm just admiring beauty. What I can't admire things like pretty asses and pretty faces?" I said as I touched Sharon's face.

"You better stop touching me like that before Farah gets heated. I ain't fighting no girl over you. And really, pretty asses?" Sharon responded slapping my hand away from her.

I laughed.

"You are probably right she already made a comment about you and I just a minute ago. But ask me if I care. And yes, God yes, I love me a pretty ass!" I said touching Sharon all over.

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