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~~Today will be the final three parts so enjoy~~

I entered what looked like a plane hangar with a list of multiple fighter planes until I spotted one of them known as a Valkyrie plane making their way out of the facility which told me that was where Schmidt is

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I entered what looked like a plane hangar with a list of multiple fighter planes until I spotted one of them known as a Valkyrie plane making their way out of the facility which told me that was where Schmidt is. Taking off running after the moving plane I watched Hydra guards tried to fire at me but they were stopped by my men leaving me to deal with the moving plane. Though it was getting further from me and even with my enhanced speed I couldn't keep up with the plane. Soon an engine roared next to me as I turned to see it was Colonel Phillips with Peggy in a car signaling me to get in. Hopping into the car I watched Colonel Phillips floored the gas until we got closer to the plane.

"Go get that bastard." Colonel Phillips yelled I nodded standing up onto the hood of the car then jumped onto the ascending wheels of the plane and entered the plane from below. Moving through the ammunition area I saw smaller fighter planes with targets listed on them; Boston, Chicago, New York and there were possibly more. Just then I heard a door open above me and guards rushing down them, I quickly climbed kicking the first one then landing on the catwalk. The others turned to face me and pulled knives, thinking that would work they charged at me and I disarmed him easily before flipping him over the side. I repeated this with the other two guards until I was alone on the catwalk and saw one of the guards boarding the fighter plane labeled Chicago. Near the control panel I activated the escape door sending the plane out of the room without the guard in it who was dangling near the open doors until he fell. Next to me a guard tried to hit me but missed hitting the air as I swung my fist into him. Then another appeared behind me swinging and missing as I lifted him and threw him into the opening. The guard I fought earlier jumped into the New York plane as I ran to smash the window open with my shield I was tackled by another guard and the plane fell through the opening with the three of us together. With the guard on top of me and the wind making it hard to move I struggled to fight him. The pilot tried to shake me off as he flew to the location that plane was marked with. The one guard lost his grip and was shredded by the blades behind the plane but I was fine. The pilot thought it was me so he continued to fly until I hit the open button of the door and pulled the eject cord pushing him out of the spot. I hopped into the pilot seat to regain control of the plane until I was able to move it back to the Valkyrie plane above me. Moving across to the front of the plane I saw it fire its weapons at me hoping to shoot me down but it missed as I moved it to get behind again.  Seeing an opening I drove the plane straight into the Valkyrie and got out grabbing my shield that was still in the same place where I dropped it earlier. I made my way to the cockpit knowing that was where Schmidt would be, slowly I opened the one door in case of other guards but found the whole area empty. Stealthy I entered looking at the pilot's seat though Schmidt wasn't there and soon I got the feeling of someone behind me as a gun fired and my shield deflected the blast.

 Stealthy I entered looking at the pilot's seat though Schmidt wasn't there and soon I got the feeling of someone behind me as a gun fired and my shield deflected the blast

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"You don't give up, do you?" Schmidt asked pointing his energy weapon at me and fired it again except my shield deflected it again.

"Nope!" I answered running at him as he continued to fire at his weapon but the shield kept reflecting the blasts into different directions.

Soon I swiped the shield forcing him to drop the gun and I deflected his oncoming punch

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Soon I swiped the shield forcing him to drop the gun and I deflected his oncoming punch. I swung the shield for his neck except I missed and he managed to get a shot into my stomach then another into my face. The shield fell and he took me by my shoulders throwing me away from it before standing in front of it. With a swift kick I was sent back a small bit but the second kick I caught and pushed him into the wall though he got another punch to my face sending both of us to the floor. I grabbed the closest object I could hitting him hard to the floor then I lifted him up trying to strangle him as images of him choking Ellie filled my mind enraging more. We wrestled falling onto a machine that broke my grip around his neck, standing quickly I grabbed my shield and tried to hit him again except he caught it taking the shield and hitting me. Trying to pin me down I threw a head-butt then used the force to push him into the piloting seat causing the plane to nose dive. The gravity from the dive forced us to the roof, colliding into one other and we continued to fight n the ceiling. Soon I saw Schmidt make it to the seat hitting a few buttons and the plane narrowed back to its normal position bringing us back to the ground. The bright sunlight from the window near the pilot seat reflected Schmidt, I saw him pull his gun and make his way towards me.

"You could have the power of the gods! Yet you wear a flag on your chest and think you fight a battle of nations! I have seen the future, captain! There are no flags!" Schmidt yelled firing his weapon at me as I regained my footing making my way t...

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"You could have the power of the gods! Yet you wear a flag on your chest and think you fight a battle of nations! I have seen the future, captain! There are no flags!" Schmidt yelled firing his weapon at me as I regained my footing making my way towards my shield that laid across the way avoiding each blast.

"Not my future!" I screamed back jumping grabbing my shield blocking the final blast and threw it at him hitting him in the stomach. That sent him into the machine which sparked with blue energy before looking like it was malfunctioning. Schmidt regained his footing to see the damage and I could tell this worried him.

"What have you done?" he asked seeing a blue square radiating the energy open from its casing as Schmidt took it into his hand

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"What have you done?" he asked seeing a blue square radiating the energy open from its casing as Schmidt took it into his hand. The energy consumed him as it showed what looked like space until a bright blue light covered Schmidt. He screams as the energy dissolves him then shoots him into the sky disappearing from the plane and the climb lands to the floor. I moved slowly towards it watching the hot energy climb melt the metal around it until it falls through the plane to the water below.

"That's for you Ellie..." I mumbled turning to the pilot seat and rushing over towards it needing to regain control of the plane before it reached its destination.

MY LAST BREATH (Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes FanFic) A Captain America FanFic (1)Where stories live. Discover now