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~~Again I'm sorry have your tissues at the ready~~


The next day we received word that Schmidt's scientist was taking a train that housed the last of the Hydra's weaponry and the formula to Erskine's serum. I wasn't going to let Ellie's death prevent me from finishing this mission because she wouldn't want me to give up. Right now I was walking into Bucky's tent dressed into his uniform staring at the now damaged small device Ellie gave him during the last fight.

            "You don't have to do this Buck...you can sit this one out." I pointed out watching Bucky lift his face, the pain was radiating from his eyes and I could tell that he was also angry about what happened.

" I pointed out watching Bucky lift his face, the pain was radiating from his eyes and I could tell that he was also angry about what happened

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            "Ellie took a bullet for me and sacrificed her life to stop Schmidt...I am going to honor her memory by fighting and taking down Hydra." He answered tightening his grip on the broken small device and stuffed it into his pocket as a sort of keepsake to remind him why he was fighting. "Let's go kick some Nazi's ass." I didn't say another word just followed Bucky out of his tent to the nearby vehicle that was about to transport us to the next part of our plan of attack. About an hour drive we pulled over towards the nearby cliff that will lead us to the train that was making its way towards us now. Moving up the cliff I kept seeing Ellie fall and I was powerless...helpless to do anything to save her.

helpless to do anything to save her

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            "Okay...Sergeant Barnes, Jones and I will infiltrate the train, the rest of you make your way down the mountain until you make it to the tracks. Set up a barricade so we can stop this train...we are not going to let that train leave this country. Let's go!" I ordered everyone else rushed to complete their task while Jones, Bucky and I made it to the end of the cliff. I walked towards the end of the cliff watching Bucky stare blankly at the tracks below us and I tried to figure out what he was thinking.

            "Remember when I made you ride the Cyclone at Coney Island?" Bucky asked finally breaking the hard silence between the both of us.

            "Yeah, and I threw up?" I pointed out watching Bucky's blue eyes scan the long wire that we were going to use to zip line down to the train.

MY LAST BREATH (Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes FanFic) A Captain America FanFic (1)Where stories live. Discover now