Chapter 17

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I was in Ayame's room and it was now Laito's turn to change Ayame's nappy and he was not pleased about it. Laito had a peg on his nose while getting rid of the dirty nappy and cleaning up after Ayame.

"Ugh, this is horrible, this so disgusting."

"Stop whining about it, and keep cleaning her, if she gets a nappy rash, I'm blaming you."

"That's harsh Doll-chan."

"Don't care now get back to it."

I demanded and then Laito finished wiping Ayame and then he got to work on putting on a clean nappy. Once he was done, he sighed in relief and then he takes the peg off his nose.

"Thank goodness that's over."

"Be careful what you say about my little girl Laito, you might jinx it."

"Oh please no."

Laito said as he gives Ayame back to me.

"Well, it's a good thing that you and your doppelganger brothers are going to be babysitting her tonight, it'll finally show you what it'll be like to a parent that is if one of you three is the father."

Laito sighed a little and then Ayato came into the room and he said to me.

"Reiji said it's nearly time for you and the others to go to school."

"This is so unfair, Teddy and I were going to a cake store after school, why do we have to babysit?"

I glared at Kanato and he shrunk back in fear.

"Because of one of you three stupid idiots including your half brothers abusing my body, you made me pregnant and now one of you is the father and you have to stop acting like brats and take responsibility for once."

I said angrily making the other two gulp nervously. I gave Ayame to Ayato and I said to him and the others.

"I'm warning you three now if I find out that you haven't been looking after my little girl, I'll beat the hell out of you until you three can't stand anymore, UNDERSTAND?"

I said in a threatening tone and then they nodded their heads. I smirked and I said to them.


I said as I left the room. On the way to school, the limo was really quiet than usual probably because those three aren't with us. Yui and I could finally get some peace as we revised for our exams tonight. I worked on a formula for my maths exam and I then asked Reiji.

"Reiji, does this look right to you?"

Reiji checked my revision work and he then broke down a few bits about my maths skills and I understood them a bit better. Subaru then spoke up.

"Does anyone else notice how quiet it is in the limo?"

"I've noticed and thank goodness I can get some peace with my studies without Laito or Ayato pestering either me or Yui."

Yui nodded her head in agreement as she read her book for her English exam. Shu opened one eye and he asked me.

"Are you sure it was a good idea to leave the triplets with your daughter?"

"I don't like the idea of leaving Ayame to those three either Shu but, I haven't got a choice and besides, Ayame tends to favour Ayato or Laito the most since Kanato scares her, what could happen?"


 Back at the mansion, Ayame was crying again and Laito was gently rocking her baby bed to try and get her to sleep and he said to her.

"Please go to sleep,'re giving us a headache..."

"Wahh!! wahh!!"

Ayame continued to cry and then Ayato shoved Laito away from Ayame and he said to him.

"Here let me try."

Ayato gently picks her up and then Ayame stops crying at last. The other two sighed in relief and then Kanato asked him.

"How did you get her to stop?"

"I don't know, maybe Ayame likes Ore-sama better since she's still frightened of you Kanato."

Kanato sighed sadly and then Ayato took her to her room. Ayame played with her building blocks and then Kanato came into the room and he asked Ayato.

"Ayato let me play with her."

"You can try if you want but there's no way she'll like you straight away."

Once Kanato got close enough, Ayame cried loudly and then she held onto Ayato's trouser leg. Kanato sighed a little and then he had an idea.

"I'll be right back."

Kanato disappeared from the room and then Ayato managed to settle Ayame after getting a fright. Kanato came back and this time Ayame wasn't scared of him this time since he had a small bear for her.

"Here you go, Ayame, uncle Kanato isn't as scary as he looks and neither is Teddy, we just want to get along with you."

Kanato squeezed the teddy and then it spoke in a cheerful voice 'I love you'. Ayame giggled a little and she smiled at the bear and then Kanato gives the bear to Ayame and she happily played with it. Ayato chuckled as Ayme played with her new teddy bear.

"Looks like she's finally settled down, wanna try and hold her?"

Kanato nodded his head and then he puts Teddy on the ground before taking Ayame in his arms. Ayame didn't cry or scream this time since she still has her new teddy bear. Kanato smiled at her as she played with her new toy.

"Do you like your new toy, Ayame?"

Ayame continued to play with her new teddy bear and then Laito came into the room and he was surprised when he saw Kanato holding Ayame.

"Wow, it looks like Ayame-chan has finally taken a liking to you."

"I know, I think that's because she's distracted by the new teddy bear that I gave her."

"Ah, so you bribed her to like you, very sneaky."

Kanato ignored Laito's comment and then he gives Ayame to Laito. Ayame tugged onto Laito's hair and he chuckled a little.

"She's got quite a grip, she might get that from her Mother."


Ayame then started crying again. Laito sniffed Ayame's nappy and thankfully, it didn't need changing.

"Ayame is either fussy again or she needs a feed, I'll check the note board that Doll-chan told us about."

Laito said as he headed downstairs with Ayame in his arms. After feeding Ayame and tucking her into her rocking bed. The triplets sighed quietly and then they sat down on the couches quietly. (Y/n) and the others came back home and she peeked into the living room and she asked the tired triplets.

"Hey, how's my little girl been?"

"Shh, we just got her to sleep."

Ayato whispered and then (Y/n) looked at Ayame who was fast asleep. (Y/n) smiled a little and she whispered to the triplets.

"Nice work you three, I had my doubts but, thank goodness you did everything right."

(Y/n) smiled happily as she stroked Ayame's cheek gently.


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