Chapter 6

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I managed to get the night off from school since my scan is today and Yui is coming along with me and I'll get to see mom as well. The vampire brothers were trying their best to convince me that they can be trusted but, they can try all they want but, I'm still not giving them a chance to be near my baby.

I was in the middle getting changed and I'm wearing a (f/c) tank top that Yui bought for me, skinny jeans and (f/c) dolly shoes. Once I was ready, I tied back my hair into a ponytail and then Yui came into my room.

"Hey (Y/n), are you ready to go?"

"Yep and thanks for coming with me today, Yui, I need the support."

"You're welcome."

Yui said with a smile and then we headed to the entrance hall. Reiji showed up and then he said to us.

"And where do you think you two are going?"

"If you must know, I've got a scan at the hospital so I asked Yui to be there since Okaa-san isn't any better and I don't know who the father is."

I explained to Reiji and he then said to us.

"I see, well, don't be back late."

"We won't."

Yui said before we left the mansion. We got to the hospital and then we sat down in the waiting room. Yui was reading a magazine while I rubbed my stomach.

"Are you nervous?"

"I'm nervous and excited, I just hope everything is all right with this one."

"Have you decided on the names yet?"

Yui asked me and I then thought for a moment and I then said to her.

"Well, I haven't really thought about it since I was still in a bit of rough situation, but, I do have a name for a girl that popped into my head though."

"Oh yeah and what's that?"

"If it's a girl, I'll call her Ayame and if it's a boy, I'm still deciding between Ryan or Issac."

"I think Ayame sounds like a great name for a girl and as for the boy...well, I'm not sure about the first name you picked but, I do like the name Issac though."

"I'm glad you think so Yui."

Just then, one of the nurses came in and then she called out my name.

"(F/n) (L/n)?"

"Right here."

I said as I stood up carefully and then someone shouted.

"Hey wait up!"

I looked to the side and Ayato had got here in time.

"Ayato? what are you doing here?"

"I came here because Reiji sent me, he and my brothers want to know the sex of the baby as well so he sent me here."

"*Sighs* all right fine, you can stick around but, don't go bragging about it, got it?!"

I shouted making Ayato shiver in fear. Yui giggled and she whispered to the nurse.

"I'm sorry about her, her hormones have rocketed."

"That's all right, it's normal."

We got into one of the rooms and then I laid down on my back while the nurse rubbed some gel on my bump. Ayato looked at the gel and he then spoke up.

"What is that stuff? it stinks."

"It's to help to look for the baby and hear the heartbeat as well."

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