Chapter 10

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After that little shopping trip, the vampire brothers actually worked together by making the baby's room for Ayame once she's born. They do tend to bicker with what the colours the bedroom should look like or where the furniture should go. I managed to keep the arguments down to a minimum by deciding the colours and where the furniture should go for the baby.

Right now, I'm at another scan appointment with Ruki and my Mom managed to come along this time since she's starting to feel a bit better. I heard my little girl's heartbeat on the monitor and I looked at the scan of my baby. I smiled at the scan of my little girl on the screen and I then spoke up.

"She's so beautiful, I can't believe I'm going to be a mom soon."

"Well, enjoy these moments while you can, sweetie because once Ayame arrives into this world, you'll be changing nappies, feeding her, waking up late at night to deal with her and among other things."

I giggled a little when Mom said this. The nurse looked at the screen and she then said to me.

"I can tell you the great news is, your little girl is healthy and she's developing very well."

Ruki smiled as he stared at the screen of my baby. Once the scan was done, I looked at the scan picture and then Mom spoke up.

"Ayame looks beautiful, I wish I could be there for the birth if the doctors hadn't kept me bedridden and keeping me in this wheelchair if I wanted to get out of my room for a while."

Mom said as she sat back down on the wheelchair. Ruki then said to her.

"Try not to worry, Mrs (L/n), we'll be sure to look after (Y/n) until you're better, besides, we've also made a baby's room at the Sakamaki mansion."

"Really? well, that will save me the trouble of calling your father and asking him to build one for us back home."

I frowned at Mom when she said this and I then said to her.

"Please don't ask him to do something like that, I don't want anything to do with him since he plainly told me to get rid of my little girl when I told him I fell pregnant."

"I know, I'm sorry (Y/n), but don't worry, you've got some good friends helping you, however, I should point out that the social services will come round to the mansion."

"What? why?"

I asked in a shocked tone and then Ruki spoke up.

"It's because you're underage and you're still in school and it's not every day that someone like you has a baby at seventeen or sixteen."

"Well, thank you captain knowledge."

Ruki chuckled a little when I gave him that sarcastic answer. Mom nodded her head in agreement and she then said to me.

"He's right and I can't do much since I'm stuck like this, but, if you and the others behave and show what a great home you're currently living in at the moment, he or she will be willing to let you keep the baby and let her stay there for a while."

"I hope so, Okaa-san."

I said as I rubbed my stomach. After saying goodbye to Mom, Ruki and I headed back to the Sakamaki mansion. I got changed out of my school uniform and I'm now wearing a (F/c) maternity dress, a (F/c) underlayer top and dolly shoes. I headed to the kitchen to get something to eat and Reiji was already there making something.

"Hey, Reiji."

"Hello, (Y/n), how did the scan go?"

"Went great, the baby is healthy and she's developed really well too, all I've got to now is wait for another two months and then here she is."

I sat down on a chair and then Reiji gave me some pancakes with chocolate sauce and strawberries. I was surprised he would make something like this for me and then Reiji said to me.

"You deserve it since the little one will be hungry after being scanned again."

"Good point, thank you."

I didn't waste any time on munching on the pancakes and they were really good. Once I was done, I wiped my mouth with a napkin and then Reiji took my empty plate and he then said to me.

"How was it?"

"It was so good, thank you Reiji."

"You're welcome."

"Ow, hehe, Ayame is kicking again."

Reiji stopped cleaning up the dishes and then he placed his hand on my bump and then Ayame kicked again.

"Her kicks are getting stronger every day."

"Probably because it's getting closer to the birth date and now she's excited to come out."

"I know, but still..."

I lowered my head in depression and I said to Reiji.

"My belly feels like it's growing a giant-sized pumpkin..."

"Don't say stuff like that, just because you're getting bigger that doesn't mean you're fat."

Reiji said as he continued to clean the dishes. I looked at Reiji and I said to him.

"Do you really think so?"

"Of course I do, underneath that baby weight, you're still the same girl that we fell in love with."

I smiled a little when he said this and I then rubbed my bump a little. Just then, Kou showed up and he shouted happily.


Reiji glared at Kou making him flinched in fear when he saw his glare.

"Kou, what have I told you about yelling so loudly? it's deplorable."

"Eek! sorry, Reiji!"

Kou managed to calm himself down and he then said to us.

"Ahem, we managed to finish the baby's room, wanna have a look?"

"Really? all right."

I said with a smile and then Reiji helped me to my feet since I tend to struggle since my bump was getting bigger. By the time I got up the stairs, I was a little tired since I was panting a little. I rubbed my bump a little and then Reiji said to me.

"Are you all right?"

"A little tired but other than that, I'm fine, this is also another reason why I'm desperate for the baby to come already."

I said to Reiji as I managed to catch my breath. Kou then got behind me and he then said to me.

"I'm gonna cover your eyes, OK?"

I nodded my head and then Kou covered my eyes with his hand and then he led me to the baby's room. Kou uncovered my eyes and I was surprised when I saw the baby's room. The room looked amazing and then Kou asked me.

"Well? what do you think? did we work our butts off or what?"

"When you say 'we' you mean just you, me, your brothers and my doppelganger brothers, since that lazy bum didn't do much."

Ayato said as he glared at Shu who was leaning against the wall with his earphones on as usual. I smiled at the others and I said to them.

"I love it, thank you so much, you guys."

Kanato smiled and he then rubbed my bump a little and he then said to me.

"Teddy is glad you're pleased and we can't wait until this little one is born."

Kanato said as he gently rested his head against my bump since Ayame started moving a little. I thought to myself as I looked at the baby's room again.

'These guys have done so much for me, maybe... I should try and give them a chance once Ayame is born but when I do, will that mean I have to do a DNA test on them to find out who is the Father of my baby?'

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