Chapter 11

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I was in the baby's room again and I looked at the clothes that Kou and Laito bought and they looked beautiful and cute. I smiled a little and then Laito showed up.

"You really love what we've done with this place."

"Of course I do, you guys certainly put a lot of work into this room."

Laito chuckled a little and then he gently rubbed my bump.

"She's getting bigger and bigger every day, how much longer until the birth?"

"Not long, I've got one more month to go and then she's here."

Laito smiled and he then asked me.

"Ruki told us about social services coming here, why do they need to bother in the first place?"

"It's because one of you got me pregnant at seventeen to technically speaking I'm still a teenager and social services are a bit concerned about where I'm living and what's going to happen to my baby once she gets here, they'll be sending someone here today and Reiji was kind enough to stay and explain to the social worker about the living conditions here while Okaa-san is still in hospital."

Laito understood this and then Reiji showed up.

"Laito, you and the others get to school, NOW."

Reiji said in his strict tone and then Laito teleported out of the room. I giggled a little and I then said to Reiji.

"Thanks, Reiji and also, thanks a lot for staying here with me, I'm gonna need all the support I can get and some positive feedback."

"You're welcome, but, I'm a bit surprised that you'd ask me to stay behind and not Yui or one of my brothers.2

"Well, let me put it this way, Shu is lazy, Ayato is arrogant, Kanato might scare off the social worker, Laito is ignorant and a perv and Subaru...well, he might lose his temper with the social worker and I would have asked Yui to stay behind but, I figured it was best that she should get to school so she can take down some notes for me while I'm stuck here."

"You made very good points there, (Y/n) and you're right, I also want to make sure Ayame stays with us as well and not some foster home."

Reiji said as he gently rubbed my stomach. Just then, someone knocked on the door at the main entrance. I sighed a little and I then spoke up.

"Oh well, here we go."

We got to the main entrance and then the social worker came in and she saw us.

"Hello (Y/n), I'm Rachel, from social services and you are...?"

"I'm Reiji Sakamaki, I'm (Y/n)'s friend."

"Well, it's nice to meet you both."

Rachel said with a smile. We sat in the living room talking about how I ended up living with Reiji and his brothers, my Father not wanting to do with me or the baby and Mom falling ill and ending up in the hospital. Reiji has also been a big help as well by telling Rachel and he and his brothers were more than happy to let me stay with them until mom is better.

"So that's why you ended up here, anyway, I would like to take a look at some of the rooms in the mansion if that's OK?"

"Of course, allow me to show you some of the places that we mostly go to."

Reiji said with a smile on his face. I smiled back at Reiji and then I followed him and Rachel. We were in the baby's room and Rachel was impressed with the work that Sakamaki and the Mukami brothers have put into. Rachel smiled at this and she then said to me.

"Well, it looks like your brothers and the Mukami brothers have worked really well here if you were to leave your baby in this room to let her sleep, how would you be able to hear her if she woke up again?"

"Simple, I'll get a baby monitor one in here and one that I can keep with me."

"Good answer."

Rachel said as she wrote on her clipboard. Rachel then said to me.

"Well, it looks like I'm just about done here, everything looks great here in the mansion but, there are one or two changes you might need to make, such as getting baby proofing certain places like the kitchen, for example, you might need to add a playpen for Ayame because you don't want her crawling around on the floor and you might have to baby proof the cupboards so she can't touch any dangers stuff that she can swallow, like small objects or washing detergents and you should also condiser putting up some baby gates just in case."

Reiji understood this and he then said to Rachel.

"We'll make sure to keep this place safe for Ayame once she's born."

"So does that mean you won't need to come back after this?"

I asked her nervously and then Rachel smiled at me and she said to me.

"Don't worry, (Y/n), I'm impressed with this place all you have to do, is to make sure that certain areas in the mansion are safe for Ayame to play in and I won't need to make a visit but, if you feel like you to talk to me again, here's my number."

Rachel gave me her business card and then Reiji said to her.

"Well thank you for taking the time to check the living conditions, Rachel."

"You're welcome, anyway, I better get going, I've got another family to get check-up on."

"I'll show you to the door."

Reiji said as he and Rachel left. I sighed a little and I rubbed my bump a little and I said to Ayame.

"Isn't that good news Ayame? we've got nothing to worry about now."

Ayame kicked in response and I giggled a little. Reiji then came back and he also sighed a little.

"Thank goodness, she's finally out of the picture."

"Well, it looks like I was worried for nothing, I'm just glad it was a quick chat and an inspection."

"I know, I need a cup of tea after that."

"I don't suppose there's any milk going spare?"

"You had plenty today."

"It's not just for me! it's for the baby too you know?!"

I said as I followed Reiji to his room. After that little visit from social services, I was glad that they were impressed with the living conditions and I was also glad that my baby is staying with us.

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