Chapter 7

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After I told the brothers that the baby is going to be a little girl, they were happy that I'm having a daughter. Kanato, Laito and Kou were definitely excited since they were trying to get some baby clothes and some baby toys for my little girl. I knew they were excited but I wished they don't go overboard since I'm still unsure who the father is.

I was sitting on the couch in the games room with the brothers and Yui. The cramps that I've been feeling bad so Laito decided to massage my shoulders.

"How does that feel (Y/n)-chan? any better?"

"Well, it's helping me forget about the cramps but...*Burp*"

Laito and Yui looked at me surprised and I then said to them.

"Ugh, sorry... Yui, can you get me another packet of cheese and onion crisps?"

"You just had some ten minutes ago."

"I can't help it, the baby is hungry and she's demanding some now *burp* pardon me again."

"*Sighs* all right, I'll be right back."

"Thank you~"

I said with a cheeky smile. Kanato frowned and he then said to me.

"You're enjoying yourself aren't you?"


"Getting pampered all the time by Yui and my brothers, do you enjoy it?"

Ayato frowned and he said to Kanato.

"Kanato! leave her alone! it is our fault that she's like this and if you're not careful, the baby might steal teddy."

Kanato looked shocked and then he teleported out of the room. I giggled quietly after he disappeared and then Yui came back and she got some crips and some munchies as well.

"Here, I got the crips you asked for and I also got you a bowl of munchies as well."

"*Gasp* you're a lifesaver! gimme!!"

I snatched the snacks from her and I ate the crips. Reiji sighed and he then said to me.

"You do realise once the baby is born, you'll definitely get fat afterwards."

"Reiji, I'm going to ignore that comment because right now, I don't care about my figure since my stomach is already growing into a pumpkin."

I frowned annoyingly. Once I had a snack, I decided to take a walk through the gardens. As I stared at the roses, I remembered Subaru giving me a rose after we hung out after school. I rubbed my bump and I thought to myself.

'No matter where I go, there's always something that reminds me of the brothers' confessing their love for me.'

I looked at my bump and I thought to myself again.

'I wonder if I had spotted the signs earlier, I wouldn't be like this right now but then again...I wouldn't have come back here if I wasn't pregnant right now.'

I rubbed my bump gently and then someone puts their jacket over my shoulders. I looked to the side and it was Reiji. I was surprised when Reiji did this and he then said to me.

"Don't stay out here too long, it's going to be a cold one tonight."

"Quite the gentleman whenever you want to, don't you?"

"You are carrying my child, so I have to make sure the both of you are all right."

I frowned at Reiji and I said to him.

"Dummy, you don't even know you're the father what if this baby girl has someone else's genes."

"I don't care."

"You should."

I said as I rubbed my bump. Reiji chuckled and he then said to me.

"We'll see, come on, let's get inside and I'll get you something to drink."

Reiji said as we headed back inside the mansion. By the time we got to his room, I was panting a little since I was tired from walking up the stairs. Reiji noticed this and he then asked me.

"Are you all right?"

"I'm OK, I struggling to get up those stairs since I get tired easily, well for an obvious reason."

I said as I glanced at my bump. Reiji shook his head and then we entered his room. I sat down on the couch and I rubbed my bump gently as I felt the baby move a little.

"Did she move?"

"Yeah, sometimes it feels like she's doing summersaults in my womb."

Reiji chuckled and then he gave me a drink of milk since I couldn't drink tea. Reiji sat next to me and he said to me.

"You really can't drink tea during pregnancy?"

"Nope, last time when I tried drinking tea, it didn't agree with me and you know what that means."

I said before I drink some milk. Reiji looked at me and he then asked me.

"Before you came back to Tokyo, why didn't you tell us from the start you're pregnant? you do know we could have helped you straight away."

"Honestly, when I first found out I'm pregnant, I was shocked and scared at the same time, not only that, Otu-san was furious with me and he even demanded to get rid of this little girl, I get the idea he's angry at the person who did this to me in the first place but that's no reason to demand me to get rid of her."

Reiji was shocked and angry when I told him this.

"That man has no right to say something like that."

"Well, Otu-san does get a bit overprotective of me and I am- well, was his only daughter until he got angry at the fact that I'm pregnant, but, Okaa-san was all right with my decision and we were all right for a while until this mess happened."

"Well, one thing for certain, I'm glad you came  back, things weren't the same without you."

"Really? I thought you guys would have forgotten all about me."

Reiji smiled a little and he said to me.

"We did for a little while until I saw you with that bump."

I rubbed my stomach a little and then I felt the baby kicking again.

"Ow! Ayame, you're gonna give mommy a sore belly if you keep kicking her like that."

Reiji was surprised when he heard the baby's name.


"Yeah, it's what I decided to call the baby if it's a girl."

"I like that name."

"I'm glad you think so, ow!! but, she's been doing a lot of kicking I think Ayame might have a career in karate."

I said as stretched a little. I still felt Ayame kicking me and then Reiji asked me.

"Mind if I feel?"

"Go ahead, but be careful, she's got a strong kick."

I told Reiji and then he placed his hand on my bump. Ayame kicked again and then Reiji smiled when he felt Ayame's kick.

"Wow, you're right, Ayame does have a strong kick I think she might get that from her Mother."

Reiji said as he gently rubbed my bump. I looked at Reiji and I noticed how happy he looks right now.

'Reiji looks so happy right now, this is the first time I've seen him smile like that in a long time, he really does have a kind side even though he doesn't show it in front of his brothers.'

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