Chapter 4

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A few weeks passed since I started living with the brothers but, I'm just grateful that Yui is beside me and helping me whenever I need her help. Right now, I'm getting ready for school and I was struggling to button my shirt since my bump kept getting in the way. Yui came in and then she said to me.

"Are you ready yet (Y/n)?"

"Almost, it's getting harder to button some of my shirts since my bump is getting bigger."

"Here let me help you."

Yui said as she helped me button my shirt and then we were ready to go. Reiji frowned at us and he then spoke up.

"About time you two showed up."

"Well sorry Mr-pitch-perfect, but it's not easy to button up a shirt when you've got growing pumpkin sized belly!"

Ayato and Laito snickered at this and I shouted.

"That's not meant to be a joke you plonkers!!"

Ayato and Laito shivered in fear when I yelled at them and then Yui whispered to them.

"Don't make her mad, she's in a very bad mood."

I growled annoyingly and then Yui said to me.

"Give it time (Y/n)."

"I can't give them time Yui! those guys are getting to me and...I'm hungry again, can you get me some tuna with chocolate sauce."

"You just had something gross this morning, how can you still be hungry?"

"*Sniff* it ain't my fault! I'm eating for two and you promised that you'd be there for me every step of the way! *sob, sob*"

"OK! OK! don't start with the crocodile tears! I'll get something for you right now!"

Yui said as she dashed off to the kitchen.


The Sakamaki brothers were shocked and surprised by the way (Y/n) was acting and then Ayato whispered to Reiji.

"One minute she's happy, the next thing you know she's either angry or sad, is she acting like a mini Kanato or what?"

"Nope, it's called hormones Ayato, it basically means (Y/n) has become a completely different person and now she's acting like she's possessed by something."

Ayato gulped and then Subaru whispered.

"I get the feeling we better be careful about what we say in front of her."

The brothers nodded their heads in agreement. Yui finally came back with a jar of Nutella, what's left of it, along with some sardines. (Y/n) licked her lips and then she took the food from Yui and then she ate the sardines while dipping them in the chocolate. The triplets gagged and Ayato spoke up.

"Be glad we weren't eating our breakfast before she started eating something gross again."

"Tell me about it, Teddy is getting sick just by watching her eat them."

Kanato said as he held Teddy tightly. (Y/n) glared at the triplets making the shrink back in fear. Yui giggled a little and she then said to (Y/n).

"Since you got pregnant, you've been scaring the triplets recently."

"You mean that in a good way right?"

"Something like that."

(Y/n) smiled at Yui's comment and then Reiji took the bag of sardines and the jar off (Y/n) and she shouted at him.

"Oy!! I was eating that!"

"You've had enough, right now, we need to get to school."

(Y/n) frowned at him and then Yui placed her hands on (Y/n)'s shoulders and she said to her.

"Reiji is right, we better get going, come on."

Yui said as she gently pushed (Y/n) so they were escaping Reiji before he gets angry.


We sat in the limo and everyone was silent. Shu was napping as usual while listening to his music, Reiji was reading a book, Kanato was talking to his Teddy, Laito was thinking of perverted thoughts and Subaru was just staring out of his window as the scenery went by. I was gently rubbing my bump while I stared out of the window. Ayato started bugging Yui again.

"Oy Pancake! I'm thirsty!"

"Ayato-kun! stop bothering me and stop calling me Pancake!"

"I don't care, Ore-sama can do whatever he wants!"

Reiji closed his book, making Ayato look at Reiji and he said to him.

"Ayato, how many times must I tell you to stop with that deplorable behaviour?"

"Shut up Reiji!"

Ayato shouted angrily. I sighed a little and I thought to myself.

'They're still the same as's times like this I wish I wasn't pregnant.'

Yui looked at me and she then said to me.

"Are you OK (Y/n)?"

"I'm all right, Yui."

"Are you sure? you did have a touch of morning sickness before we got up."

Ayato looked at me and then he scooted away from me and Yui.

"First the mood swings, then the horrible cravings and now morning sickness? is there anything else we should know about while you're pregnant?"

"Well, I get tired easily, my body is gonna go through some changes and-"

My sentence was cut off when I started to feel sick again. Yui noticed this straight away and then she spoke up.

"Uh oh! she's going to throw up again! quick! stop the car!"

We came to a stop and I got out of the limo in time and I then got behind some bushes and I threw up. Yui held back my ponytail and my fringe while I was throwing up. Once I got it out of my system, Yui then said to me.

"Are you all right now? is it out of your system?"

"Yeah...I think so."

I said as I wiped my mouth with Yui's hankie and then we got back in the limo. Once we got to school, I avoided the fangirls since they saw my bump and they started saying mean comments about me again, as usual. 

Girl 1: "Look, it's that freak again."

Girl 2: "The fatty slut of the school."

Girl 3: "Why does that fatso still come here? she's not welcomed here since she's carrying that monster inside of her."

I ignored those comments as I made my way to class. Yui was surprised when I kept the calm expression on my face.

"I'm surprised that you're being calm about those girls making mean comments about you and this little one."

"I don't care what they say about me, all I can do is just ignore their snarky and stupid comments about me, besides, this baby doesn't need me to be angry right now."

I said as I rubbed my bump and Yui smiled at me when I told her this. I then saw the Mukami brothers, who glanced at my belly. I frowned a little and I then headed to my English class. Once I was far away from the others, I pressed my back against the wall and I placed my hand on my bump and I thought to myself.

'Oh brother...things are going from bad to worse for me, oh well, as soon as this baby is born, I'll be glad to get away from those guys.'

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