Chapter 18 : We Found Him

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"Argh, damn .. I know this will happen .." said Nin angry.

"You said they wouldn't know if we were here .." said P'James.

"I'm just guessing .." replied Nin.

"So what are we going to do now?" asked P'James.

"You just wait in this apartment .. stay with him .. watch him .. make sure he can't escape the tie and go out of this room .. you got me?" said Nin.

"I got it .." replied P'James.

"Hmmpphh !!" Knock said who was sitting on a chair with his hands tied back and his legs also tied and his mouth was covered with a black plastic glue that make Knock had difficulty talking.

"Shut up!" shouted P'James as he slapped Knock's face firmly.

"I wonder why Korn loves you so much, huh? What's special about you?" asked Nin, looking at Knock with dislike.

"He's beautiful .." replied P'James.

"What?" asked Nin dislike as soon as she heard P'James's answer.

"Why? I just tell the truth .." replied P'James.

"Excuse me .. I'm more beautiful than him .. he's just a guy .." said Nin.

"But seriously he's really beautiful, right?" P'James replied while holding Knock's chin.

"Do you want me to give you a lesson too, huh?" asked Nin.

"Ok .. ok .. I just kidding .. don't get mad .." replied P'James.

"I go first .. and never go out of this room .." said Nin.

"I know .." P'James replied, then Nin left the room.

"Hey, sweetie .. are you hungry, hmm?" asked P'James and Knock quickly shaking his head.

"Oh come on ... let me cook food for you, ok?" P'James said.

"Hmmpphh ..!" Knock said, shaking his head.

"I know you'll love it .. wait a minute, Sweetie .. I will not be long .." said P'James then touched Knock's face and Knock quickly turned his face from P'James's hand.

"Don't be so angry, Sweetie .." P'James said with a smile then went to the kitchen.


As Nin just got out of the lif, she saw Korn and Yihwa on the ground floor and then she immediately hid behind the wall.

"Shit .. they are still here .. I thought they were gone .." said Nin then she immediately called P'James.

"Hello, P '.." said Nin.

"What's wrong?" asked P'James.

"Make sure you stay in the room because Korn and Yihwa are still here .. the policemen are here too .." said Nin.

"Eer, eer .." replied P'James then stopped their conversation.


P'James walks near Knock, bringing food and water.

"Let's eat, Sweetie .." P'James said while sitting in front of Knock then he let go of plastic glue from Knock's mouth.

"You bitch .." Knock said once the plastic glue was released from his mouth.

"Don't say it like that, Sweetie .. you should be grateful that I still feed you .." P'James said.

"Let me go .." Knock replied.

"Eat this first .." said P'James.

"I don't want .." replied Knock.

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