Fëårš pãrt: 2

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Fears part:2

Jason's P.O.V

We were at a carnival. ugh. kill me now. "What are we doing here." I say nervously when my eyes wander over to the tallest roller coaster. "We'll today I want you to face your fears. How does that sound!!!" She squealed in excitement. "Can we play the games first than work our way up to the roller coasters." I say trying to his the fear in my voice. "Ok. Let's go." She smiled and grabbed my arm.

"Can we have three balls." I ask the person in charge of the booth. "Here you go." I had to get all three balls in little bins that float on the water. Basically if you get all three in a bin you get a big prize, if you get two you get a medium size prize, and one you get a small prize. I got all three without any trouble.

"Can I have a unicorn." I ask him, the only reason why I ask him that is because I want to give it to Valerie she like unicorns she has a unicorn case for her phone. Him and Valerie give me a confused looked but he grabs the unicorn off the top shelf and hands it to me. "It's for you" I say and hand her the unicorn. "Aww thank you, it's so FLUFFLY!!!" Valerie (just imagine her saying it like Agnes in despicable me) I smile down at her. She so adorable and fragile and I don't want anyone to hurt her. She giggles "Thank you." Wait did I say that out loud she must think I'm going soft. Jason doesn't fall in love I kept repeating in my head.

2 hours later

Valerie's P.O.V.

We went on all the little rides and it time for the big rides. Jason was a little hesitant with some of the small roller coasters. So this ought to be fun trying to get him on a big roller coaster. As we stand in line he starts to get nervous he put his head down and his hands in his pockets while he kick rocks and mumbles profanities under his breath. "I can't do this." he says and walks away.

He walks over to a bench and sits down with his head in his hand. I go over and sit next to him. "I'm not doing this" he snaps at me still with his head in his hands. I know he's not trying to be mean he's just letting his anger get the best of him."Please Jason I'm trying to help you face your fears." i say. "We'll maybe I don't want to face my fears." He says while raising his voice. I whimper when he yells cause I hate when people yell. When he sees that his face is full of regret. "Im sorry I just have a really bad experience with heights" he says."Hey" I say softly he lifts his head and I put my hand in his hand and give him a reassuring squeeze "Don't worry Im right here, if you get scared to much, squeeze my hand." I say with a smile. "Thank you" he says. "Your welcome"I say to him.

We walk over and get in line, good thing it wasn't to long cause I'm tired. When we take our seats on the roller coaster Jason squeezes my hand tighter. When we take off he is breathing heavily with his eyes shut. I place my other hand on top of his to get him to calm down. He opens his eye and just stares at me.

When the ride finishes he was still staring at me until I snap my fingers and bring him back to reality. "The ride is over. You did it." I say happily. When we get out of the seat he hugs me. "I don't know why I wasn't scared I guess I just got distracted." he says with a smile and let's go of our hands. Ok I swear this boy has mixed emotions one second he snappy and mean then the next he is nice and caring "Well, would you like me to give you a ride to your house?" I say as we walk to my car.

Jason's P.O.V.

Oh crap... What do I say oh yea I want you to come to my house for you to meet my gang and know I'm the leader of a very dangerous gang. But if I say no she's probably going to be suspicious. "Sure" I give in. I told her how to get to my house. We pulled up to the gang house which was a mansion with a pool and garden in the backyard. "Wow you live here." she said in amazement ."Yep wanna come in." I say but before I could say never mind because I don't want her to meet my gang. she says "I would love too." I get out the car and so does Valerie we walk up and I get out my key and unlock the door hopefully there sleeping.

Before we go in there I warn her I have some friends over. When we get in she stands there in utter shock "This is beautiful". There's about 15 people in the gang including me. We walk to the kitchen and see a few of my members on the couch watching tv when we pass by. When we walk into the kitchen about 5 member are in there. "Hey boss". Ryan a very close gang member of mine and a flirt says. He looks at Valerie hungrily and licks his lips "Whats your name babe." he say to her. "Um... Valerie." she says uncomfortable. "Well that's Ryan the flirt." I whisper the last part and she giggles.

Valerie's P.O.V.

"That's matt" he said pointing to a man older than me that had forest green eyes and blonde hair. "That's Chaz" he pointed to a kinda chubby guy who had dark brown eyes and brown hair and who looked a little younger than Jason. "and that's damon" he said pointing to a man that looked 25 he was very attractive he had dark brown hair that could be mistaken for black he had icy Blue eyes. I wave and smile. They say hi to me.

Jason's P.O.V.

"hey Valerie wanna meet some of my other friends?" I ask so they keep her distracted while I tell the guys that she doesn't know the gang so they go along with it. "uh sure." she says. We walk out of the kitchen and go to the living room where there were only about 4 members there.

Valerie's P.O.V.

"Ok there is is Nate, Alex(not Jason's brother), Vince, and Stefan." Jason says. "Hi." I smile and wave to them. "Ok make yourself comfortable." jason says. I sit next to Stefan, let me just tell you he had amazing hair I wanted to run my finger threw it and beautiful brown eyes I could stare into all day.

I become really tired.and right when I'm about to doze off I hear Jason come in. "here take this it will help you relax." he says while trying to hand me a beer. "No thank you." I say politely. "I wasn't asking you take it. NOW" he yells while slurring a bit at me making me flinch. "Jason your drunk leave the poor girl alone. She doesn't want to take it. Don't pressure her." Alex say trying to calm Jason down but that only makes him angrier.

"Get out before I do something I don't want to do" he says angrily. "Jason I'm so sor- I say as tears try to escape but I hold them in as long as I can, but he cuts me off. "YOUR NOTHING BUT TRASH GET OUT." He yells very loudly and the tears start pouring down my face "o-ok" I say in a whisper but loud enough for him to hear me. I grab my purse and run out the door. Then drive to my apartment.

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Sorry for all of the P.O.V. switching up so much.

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