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Hey guys here is a snippet of the first chapter of my new story, White Man's Whore. Let me know what you guys think of it!

"How the hell am I supposed to pay for tuition next semester. I have no money at all." Janice thought allowed as she eyes the lastest tuition statement that had just appeared in her email. "You'd think that after a few 4.0's they'd throw something my way." This time the comment was directed towards her two friends that were laying across her bed, scrolling up and down instagram gawking over the lives of others. Candace and Mandy had always been Janice's closest friends, from the day the trio all met the first day of kindergarten to the day they each received their acceptance letters to Brown, the three were inseparable. A bond that meant the three kept nothing from one another, including financial troubles. The phase opposites attract was the perfect one to describe the dynamic. Unlike Mandy and Candace Janice lived a much more simple life. While Mandy and Candace seemed to have the financial means to do just about anything they wanted the same was never the same for Janice. Being the daughter of two addicts doesn't exactly create an everlasting money fountain. While her mother went on week long drug binges and her father popped in and out of her life as he pleased, Janice was forced to take on the role of both mother and father herself. Working multiple jobs at since the age of 14 as a way to make ends meet, having to hide it from her mother to avoid her funds being used to fuel her addiction. 5 years, 3 jobs, and endless sleepless nights later Janice still found herself trapped in the cycle of despair her parents fell victim to.

"You know I can loan you some money if you need. It can't be that much you got that crazy ass scholarship." Mandy offered. Mandy came from crazy money. her father owned some type of oil company and after leaving her mother for his secretary he bought her just about anything in an attempt to buy her love. While Candace didn't have oil money she have some pretty well off parents and a boyfriend she had been with since she was fourteen that would do anything for her. Now he, he came from money. His family owned a chain of mall kiosk, the ones that sell those crazy expensive flatirons, all across the country. Candace meet him freshman year of highschool and the two have been together ever since. The three didn't truly recognize the financial gap until that same freshman year. That same freshman year where Janice started to realize that there were certain activities she could not partake in because of her financial situation. Having to miss out on basic teenage things like going out to the mall or mivies because every dime she had was going towards keeping a roof over her head and food in her stomach. Missing out on things that normal high schools students participate in such as homecoming and football games because she had to work endless hours ot make ends meet. It wasn't until Junior year that Janice let the other 2/3 of the group know what was truly happening. Explaining to them everything from her father, to her mother, to all the jobs she had to work. It was at that time that the two began offering up help. Trying to throw money at her any way they could. Buying her trips for Christmas, large checks for her birthday, bringing her along on expensive family getaways. While the efforts of her friends were always appreciated Janice couldn't help but feel like she was just a charity case, despite her friends best efforts to disguise it as harmless acts of kindness.

"Thank you Mandy but I'll find a way. Hopefully."Janice replied,not wanting to take another hand out from her friend that has just helped her with her portion of the rent for this month. While Mandy was right, Janice did receive a crazy scholarship from Brown for her grades, that crazy scholarship left a $2,000 bill, that on top of rent, and the 18 credit hours she was taking as a way to finish early was all gettin got her. With no credit, and no cosigner, a loan was completely out of the option. So working two jobs and writing papers for privileged little douchebags was her only way to make sure that she was able to stay at Brown.

"Maybe you should get a sugar daddy." Candace half joked, finally lifting her eyes from her phone. "Join that site sugar daddies meet, my friend Sam said she makes nearly a grand a month from her's."

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