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My hands trembled as they went to open the envelope, the envelope that held the fate of my future in it's hand, of our future in it's hand.  A child. A whole living breathing human being that could be half August and half  Lalia. The result of the envelope would change our whole lives. 

And there it was. The life changing choice, would I stay or go?

Because the child was his. 

The baby calmed Lalia. She was much more focused on her child than trying to destroy our lives. Co-parenting worked for the most part. Jasmine was ours on weekends, and any days where Lalia needed extra support. August loved the child to death and spoiled her to show it. I treated Jasmine as my own when she was around, shoving down any feelings of hurt that I felt having to share my love with a child that wasn't mine. The first few weeks were hard, having all his attention go towards the baby. The next few months harder as he hate for Lalia also went away. The most recent weeks the hardest, because now it was clear as day what was happening. The spark between the two had been lit. I don't know if it was a result of all the time spent together or the hopes of the two being able to have a true family but it was clear that a connection was brewing among the two. A connection that I could not compete with because I lacked what Lalia had, Jasmine. Jasmine. The big eyed, fair complexioned, one year old who could make anyone who looked her way fall in love. August's biggest accomplishment.

"You smell like the bitch. You could've at least took a shower before climbing up into the bed with me." I mentioned as August climbed into our bed. My back was turned away from him yet the strong odor of perfume lingering on his body still managed to clog my nose. He had just came back from dropping Jasmine off but I knew the reality of it. I knew that once Jasmine fell asleep him and Lalia would play.  He let out an irritated sigh "Why you treatin me like this? Like I ont sit around here providing for you. That's all I fucking do is go get money so I can buy your ass shit. And you repay me by givin me a bitch as attitude whenever I get home."

"If you didn't come up in here every night smelling like some other female I wouldn't be giving you a hard time." I said, sitting up so I could face him.

"What do you want from me? Whatever it is I'll get you. You want some new clothes, I gotchu. You want someone takin care of it's done. Whatever you want I got it just tell me what it is."

"I want a nigga that's only for me. That's all I want August. This money can't buy that shit. I want you to not be fucking some other bitches. A part of me wanted you to deny being with Lalia but apparently you were with her. "

"Lalia is the mother of my child nothing more nothing less. I have to be around her so your ass need to get over it. You the one who chose to stay so you can't sit up here and be mad."

"I chose to stay to be with you August! I could handle the co-parenting. I didn't sign up to have you cheat on me with that bitch!" I mentioned. He didn't respond, just lifted of the bed. "Where are you going!?"

"To Lalia's since you think I'm fuckin er."

And with that he was gone and I was left all alone once again. 

* * *

I made my way through the doors of the trap house in search of August. After the fight a few days ago he failed to come back home. Something he always does when he gets upset but usually it only last a few hours.

"He told me not to let anyone in." T, one of Augusts goons, told me.

"He hasn't been home in two days, I don't give a fuck about his orders. That nigga might be your boss but we all know that the lady has the last say."

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