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"My mom invited you to dinner." I said through the phone. During the past hour that we had been talking it completely slipped my mind that I had called him to ask him if he wanted to accompany me to dinner with her.Unlike Shanicee my mom was not around to see the destruction August left when we went our separate ways. For this reason she did not harbor the same feelings of hate that Shanicee did. My mother had always loved August, and just like his mom, she believed that we were meant to be. So when I told her that he was back in my life she was beyond excited. She loved August because during all the late nights and heard times that she was not around because she was working she knew that August was there for me. Taking care of me and loving me in a way that she could not. To her August was the reason for my happiness when I was younger and she admired him for that.

"When?" He questioned. August too loved my mom just as much as she loved him. The two had kept in touch even after I left and she always told him that he hoped he'd come back around eventually. Even when I wasn't around the two spent all types of time together. She was like his second mom so I knew that he'd jump at a chance to see her again. 

"Today. She said you, me, her, Shanicee and Charlie. The whole gang."

"Charlie?" He asked, clearly confused.

"Her new little boo thang."

"Oh. Ma dukes be wildin she stay with something new. "

"I know. It's his birthday or something I don't know but they want to go out together and you know that I hate having to go out with her and her little boo's so I need you there."

""Shanicee is gonna be there."

"Yea but she told my ass she was bringing a fucking date. I didn't even know she had a nigga. So now I'm gonna be at dinner with four people on a date and just be the fifth wheel. I don't wanna be the fifth wheel."

"Ugh I guess I'll go" he sighed sarcastically. "Only because I miss ya mom, it has nothing to do with your ass."

"Yeah. Yeah. Be here at seven."

Several hours later August arrived to get me. After catching me in my little black dress we almost didn't make it to dinner because he could not keep his hands to himself. I almost found myself falling under his spell and allowing him to have all of me but a message on my phone from Shanicee asking me where I was pulled me from it. 

 Upon arrival we were greeted by my mother who was waiting outside for us. You would have thought that August was her child the way she drolled over him. It was like I was not even there. "Oh I missed you so much baby boy." She aw'd over him as the two reunited . "I missed you two mama." "You know I told you you were welcome whenever, just cause you and A had whatever going on didn't mean you wasn't still welcomed at mama's house." the two talked as I trailed behind them looking like a third wheel. Dinner was pretty awkward at first. My mom and August spent most of the time talking as if they were on the date, Shanicee was cuddled up with some guy who she introduced as Quan, and Charlie kept trying to make small talk with me. I did not have any issues with Charlie, my mom just always brought this random dudes around and she'd act like some horny teenager until they tired of her. Then she'd be all depressed and I would have to be the one there to comfort her. It was like an endless cycle so when they would try to get close to me I would block them off, not trying to build any type of relationship with a temporary hookup of her. Charlie has been around for about six months now so I know his time is coming to an end. 

"So why are we here again?" I asked, still unaware as to weather it was Charlie's birthday or not. I also was tired of answering Charlie's questions about my job. 

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