Chapter 21

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before you read, a lot of of you in the comments asked who Erron was and what happened with him! i guess you guys forgot what you read lol he's Dare's ex boyfriend. look back to chapter 6 , it's the chapter that has background information about him and what all went down. :)

Chapter 21

On Monday it seemed that everyone was talking about the scrimmage. It kind of made sense though, since basketball was really the only serious sport at this school in the winter. The only other sport they had in the winter was wrestling, a sport that mainly all the football players did that didnt play basketball and had nothing better to do in the winter.

People were whispering about me, I could tell. I bet that they all thought I wasn't actually going to end up playing with the boys, and that it was a joke. Also, they were all probably marveling over the fact that I had actually got a good amount of playing time. But playing in the scrimmage proved to them that this wasn't a joke, or a dare. I was all business about the sport I loved, and I was going to play, even if it meant playing with boys.

When I got to my locker, I opened it up and inside were six perfect, gourmet looking cupcakes in a plastic tin thing. They were chocolate with rainbow icing, and just looking at them made my stomach growl, I was actually pretty hungry this morning. There was a sticky note on the top of it with writing on it.

I read the note:

Dare, I'm sorry about how I acted toward you at the scrimmage. You played well, and I was just mad at myself so I hope you didn't take anything personally. Here are some of my mom's homemade cupcakes, as a peace offering. We should be friends now since we're on the same team.


Wierdly, the handwriting actually looked like Link's handwriting. I guess maybe he was apologizing for how he acted. I shrugged, and took out one of the cupcakes. I hadn't had breakfast today.

After I ate one I checked the time on my phone. Ten minutes till bell. So I had time to go to the library and print my lit paper off.

I took another cupcake (i was starving, okay? don't judge!) and went to the library, eating it on the way there. Once I was done with printing my paper off and eating my cupcake, I went back down to my locker.

"Hey!" Cass said to me.

"Hi!" I said to her.

"You so totally kicked ass on friday. Everyone's talking about it," Cass said.

"Thanks, and I know, people keep whispering to eachother and then they look at me," I said, laughing.

"Welp, that's typically what it's like here, news spreads fast," She said.

Just then the warning bell rang, so I said bye to her and started walking to class. As I was walking, my stomach lurched for some reason and started hurting really badly. I decided to ignore it.

"I accept your apology," I said to Link as I sat down next to him.

He gave me a confused look.

"You know, the cupcakes you put in my locker with that note?" I asked him.

"Uh Dare... I didn't put anything in your locker..." Link said, frowning.

And that's when I threw up. On Link's feet.


"Ohmigosh, I'm so so so sorry," I exclaimed.

I held my stomach, it still hurt incredibly bad even though I had just puked.

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