Chapter 18

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LOL Guys ignore the comment at the end about me saying i have 0 fans. they somehow showed up again. when i was on earlier though it said i had 0... but now it's showing that i have them again. so yeahhh.

Chapter 18

Eventually, we were all allowed to go back into the building.

But of course, on my way in, I did a really stupid thing. I left Link because I saw Cass and I wanted to go talk to her. I'm an idiot. Now I'd have to go to the trouble of finding him later to tell me the things Darren had said.

But lemme tell you, I was damn happy for that fire. It made everyone forget about the prank that had happened in the morning.

Someone's voice came on the intercom as soon as we were all back in the building, seated in our 2nd period classes.

"Hello everyone. I understand it has been a hectic morning, but you should all listen now. There was an experiment gone wrong in the science wing, in Mr. Darby's room. Thankfully, the fire fighters got here in enough time so that the fire didn't spread from room to room. However, there has been some serious damage done in Mr. Darby's room. From now on, until his room is fixed and restored, all of Mr. Darby's students will report to room 236, the conference room, for class. If experiments have to be done you all will just go and use or borrow equipment from the other science rooms. Simple as that. And one last thing- Mr Darby's room is OFF LIMITS. I understand that you all probably want to see the damage, but for safety reasons, no one is allowed in there right now until the firefighters clear it, considering it was a science room and there were chemicals in there." The man said emphasizing the off limits part.

Dang, to be honest, i was curious as to what the damage looked like. Wasn't like I was going to get to see it though.

"Well, that was crazy. But now it's time for class," My lit teacher, Mrs. Rondler said. She annoyed me, because she never, ever let our class get off topic. It was always about class, class, class. Even when there had been a FIRE in our school!

I was in this class with TJ, Ava, and Cass, so I was glad to have people to talk to about the fire. TJ sat next to me so the whole period we kept talking about it when Mrs. Rondler was looking away.

"Welp, this is all that the guys will be talking about at basketball tonight." TJ said quietly, not wanting Mrs. Rondler to notice us talking.

"Yeah, Probably," I said.

"Speaking of basketball, when will you be able to play again?" he asked me.

"Soon. I know that, maybe tomorrow hopefully. My mom's just making me go to the doctor one more time after school today. I haven't had a headache in a few days so that's a really good sign," I said.

"Great!" TJ said.

"Yep," I smiled.

My headaches had really gone away, and I hadn't even really realized it. So I had told my mom, and she said she wanted to get me one more appointment, just to be sure, since she's so protective. But whatever. I just wanted to play.

"Link won't be happy then though," I added, smirking, since now me, the other point gaurd would be okay to play.

"Ah, whatever, who gives a fuck what moody little Link thinks," TJ said.

I laughed.

"True, very true," I said.

"I can't wait to find him again today though, because he said he's gonna tell me what Darren said," I said, excitedly.

"Really? Why? He really wanted it kept a secret," TJ said, looking a little suspicious.

"Yes, really. I told him I'd go ask Darren if he didn't tell me... so I guess he really didn't want me talking to Darren at all because he kind of freaked out, and right when he was about to tell me, the fire alarm went off," I said.

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