Chapter 16

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hey guys! i dedicated this chapter to savannahstories because she has this awesome story, At The Buzzer! I think that you guys would love it, its like mine, about a girl being on a boys basketball team, except in college (: so after you read this chapter, checck it out (:

Chapter 16

The next day at school, I walked in, tired. I hoped that Link would be in math, so we could talk, but then I remembered, he was suspended, so he wouldn't be at school.

"UGH, I just cannot find my phone!" I complained to Cass at her locker.

"Where did you have it last?" She asked me.

"Uhh I don't remember! I just need it!" I said.

"Well you're not going to figure out anything with those hints," She said, shutting her locker.

"I gotta get to class. Good luck finding it," Cass said, then walked away.

I went to study hall that day ready to talk to Phillip and Zack. Maybe, just maybe, they would tell me what Darren had said.

"Hey guys," I said, sitting down at a table with them.

"Hey Dare," They both greeted me.

"So. Do you guys know exactly what Darren said about me?" I asked them, getting straight to the point.

"Uhh..." Phillip started.

"That means yes. Tell me." I demanded.

"Can't," He said.

I groaned.

"We're sworn to secrecy," Zack added.

"Stupid Link. I wonder if there's anyway I can figure it out." I said.

Zack shrugged.

Then an idea came to my head: bribery. But how could I bribe one of them? Then I remembered something I had heard the guys talking about the other day, who Phillip was crushing on. Cass.

"So Phillip. I heard you're crushing on Cass," I said to him.

He immediately blushed red.

"He talks about her non-stop," Zack said, smirking and then Phillip got even redder.

"Well. So that's a yes. Wanna make a deal? If you tell me what Darren said, I'll get you a date with Cass," I told him.

"That would be awesome, but-" Phillip started, but I cut him off.

"No buts! It would be the perfect date, and then you guys would start dating, and become a cute couple, and get married," I rambled.

Zack raised his eyebrows at me.

"But breaking a promise within a team is not a smart thing to do. And I promised I wouldn't tell you, Dare," Phillip said.

"But Cass is so nice and pretty! You guys could fall in love!" I exclaimed, trying to coax him into agreeing to my deal.

He blushed again, probably thinking of Cass.

"I know, she is pretty amazing. But I'll find a way to ask her out on my own." He said, grinning.

I sighed, and went back to my homework, since this was obviously going nowhere.

I went to lunch, and sat down next to Cass, Kenz, Ava, and Jordana.

"Hey guys," I said.

"Hey Dare," Ava said.

Just then, Darwin walked by. He waved me.

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