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Sooooooo. I've decided to do a giveaway, but with a bit of a twist.

Instead of giving away my own book, I'd like to give away 4 of my favourite books to people who, by July 30, 2018, have read and reviewed "A Princess's Guide to Dragon Domestication" (formerly know as How to Train Your Draconic Husband) on Goodreads.

You might be thinking:

How would this work?
If you're interested, you can buy it on Kindle (cheapest), ebook or paperback, from Amazon or other online retailers. If you've read and posted your review on Goodreads by the 30th of July, your name will be entered into a computer program that will randomly select 4 people. I will then post my favourite books (1 each) to the folks selected.

OK, but why are you doing this instead of a classic Goodreads giveaway?
1) I get to promote my book AND share my favourite books this way.
2) I'll get to play Santa on my birthday, which I think is a pretty awesome birthday gift to myself.

Okay, but I'm not really much of a reviewer...?
And that's fine too! This is not a grammar/vocabulary or review competition. It doesn't have to be a deep analysis or anything. As long as your review is... a review and not gibberish, and at least 4-5 lines long, we're good.

I've already reviewed your book, can I still take part?
Of course (thank you so much for your time and support)! Your name has already been entered.

So I do this and I win. What happens next?
I'll contact you (via messages on Goodreads) on the 31st of July, to let you know you've won and ask for a mailing address. I'll also check your other reviews/ratings on Goodreads out, match you with a book (from my list) I think you'll like best, and then send a new copy over to you using Amazon, Wordery or a different suitable online bookshop that does international deliveries.

Let me know if there are any other questions.

So, yep. That's it. If you're interested, please do consider participating. (:

Stay happy,
Xinx. (:

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