Holland Love

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So the other day as I was heading downstairs to grab our mail, there was a young girl standing outside on the street taking a picture of our front door. 

I found this a little strange so I obviously had to ask her why she was taking the picture and the next 10 mins literally made my day. 

I found out that she was from Holland and was passing through Toronto on her way to New York and just happened to walk by the office and recognized our sticker because she's a Wattpad user! From Holland! 

She was extremely giddy that she had randomly found the office so I invited her inside and gave her a tour. 

I have to say, she was in awe that she was actually walking through the Wattpad office and was so taken back by the kitchen that it reminded me how lucky we are to work at such an awesome place.  I know this place is great but little reminders like this hit you right in the feels. 

So anyways, before she left I hooked her up with some Wattpad swag and she couldn't have been more sweet and thankful. 

So there you go, what a way to start the week with a little Holland love =)

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