I want to avenge my sunglasses!

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A/N Dedicated to  GlitchingHD.Because Glitch's background with a certain word-smith Decepticon entrepreneur from Transformers Animated gave me the inspiration to add said character. Guess who that character is. And, also, this is a long chapter. You have been warned. One of the first long chapters in this story. Just a heads up.

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 I ended up with Knock Out. Heading to the power generator room proved to be a little troublesome. Why is it that? It was a complete mess. There is junk blocking the hallway. That is way too similar to a crowded up closet with toys that have actually made an ocean. Guess this came outta Kids Next Door episode. Knock Out took a few steps back. It's easy to conclude Knock Out is a bit cowardly about running into the harmless junk pile then swim his way out the junk zone.

 I am on Knock Out's shoulder.

Specifically on the upper dark gray armor sticking out from the fancy red-NO I mean blue--from the fancy blue front vehicle armor.

"Ya should call Megs about this, Knocks." I suggest to Knock Out.

 Yes. Knocks is my own nickname for Knock Out, go figure.

"Megs?" Knock Out repeats, baffled.

"Megs as in Megatron." I tell him

"Oooh." Knock Out said, understanding what I had just said.

"Should I go to the extreme level and refer to Megatron as Megsy?" I  ask.

He made this perfect  'what' facial expression that a Transfan could have screen shotted.

"Never mind." I said, shaking my head. "We should definitely tell Megs where its nest is."

Knock Out laughs.

"We're going after the specimen, human." Knock Out said, in a chilled out way.

It's almost like he is ignoring how annoying I am. How is that even possible?

"But it would be reasonable he knew what's going on." I reason.

"It's not like we'll lose all the power." Knock out said the seven words that should not be spoken.

I groan shaking my head.

"You.  .  . " I rub my forehead. "Good grief."

"What does Knocks mean anyway?" Knock Out asks.

"You." I said, pointing my finger at him.

"Me?" Knock Out asks, flattered with a servo on his chest.

"It's yer slagging name, dude!" I said. "I know PLENTY of fans on DeviantArt who just love you, and I have seen the picture of you stuck in a wal--"

With Soundwave behind us Knock Out voluntarily went into the junk pile with a strong grip on me. Guess he didn't want to be spoiled. Or he didn't want to hear about being stuck in a wall.Guess the guy who doesn't want his armor scratched just defied his own belief by going through perhaps pointy junk! Then Knock Out fell out the junk blockage with me in tow. I had something in my hair well a lot of ‘things’ were in my hair. All the left over pieces of armor had been in my hair. I took them out one by one.

 "Hey,um.  .  .  ." Knock Out is staring at my finger. "Why are you bleeding what we bleed?"

I took out the last piece of junk armor from my hair.

"Oh that.” I said, with a shrug. “Just ignore the pest."

Knock Out let me go, so I instinctively climbed up above red--Darn it! I mean---the blue metal panel and slid down against the darker metal.

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