13. The Play

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Eli watched as his play went underway, a huge crowd of other students, parents, and friends were watching in the audience.

Everything was going perfectly so far, no one stuttering or messing up their lines as they continued to push through each scene. He was certainly impressed with each of their performances, feeling more and more confident for good reviews.

Niall and Liam were doing the absolute best though, having such amazing chemistry throughout their passionate scenes together. Whether they were running away from something or having sweet dialogue between each other, the pair were meant to be on stage together.

It was nearing the kissing scene, which made Eli and Becky a bit nervous to view because it had to go perfectly. One slip up and it'd make things go downhill, so they were both hoping that Liam could do this.

“I don't need anything, at all...” The pair sang in beautiful harmony before inching closer and closer together, sealing the song with a sweet kiss. Liam, or Romeo in this case, cupped Niall's, Jules',  cheeks with his slightly sweaty hands during the kiss, eyes fluttering closed as it felt right.

Niall kissed him back with a smile growing on his face, wrapping his arms around Liam's waist as the elder male pulled him closer together. The light dimmed moments later though, making them pull apart and take their leave off stage to get prepared for their next scene together.

The Irish boy was in more shock because the kiss, feeling his lips as they felt a bit tingly while Liam smiled wide at him. Niall didn't know what to think after that.

“I hope I wasn't too bad, Niall... I've been waiting for it...” The younger brunette looked up a little with a slight frown, tilting his head in a bit of confusion towards Liam.

“L-Liam, do you... Do you have feelings for me?” The elder brunette instantly blushed faintly, turning away from Niall as their next scene was about to begin.

“We can talk about this later, okay,” Liam stated with a small smile before heading towards the entrance to the stage, Niall following him moments later with a shaky sigh leaving past his lips. He didn't know what to think after that statement.

The rest of the play went amazingly though, Niall and Liam's characters dying peacefully together as the elder brunette held Niall's hand with his own, smiling.

The crowd then cheered and applauded for each and every character, giving a standing ovation once everyone bowed. Eli and Becky were the most impressed out of everyone in that room, patting Liam's back as he had done everything with ease.

Everyone then separated as the lights turned on, Liam and Niall going to their area in the back of the stage after giving their families quick hugs and kisses.

The pair stripped their costumes off and began to put on their actual clothing at the same pace, but Liam had stopped Niall before he had put on his shirt.

It surely caught the Irish boy off guard as Liam then pinned him to the wall and brought their lips together in spite of one of them having a boyfriend. But Niall didn't push him away, instead, he kissed Liam right back and wrapped his arms around the taller male's neck with a small smile.

His feelings for Liam came flooding back to him as this occurred, moaning against the other brunette's lips as he jumped up and wrapped his legs around Liam's waist. It all happened so suddenly and neither wanted it to stop, but the English boy finished it.

They both caught their breath after the heated kiss, Niall blushing evidently as he stared deep into Liam's oh so beautiful eyes. Liam couldn't help but do the same, smiling from ear to ear as he stared.

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