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Disclaimer: I don't own the story or characters featured in Gilmore Girls, however I have a fertile mind and a fan orphan heart.

A/N: I told you I wouldn't quit this story! Sorry for not replying to the messages yet. I'll fix that on Sunday! I better shape up! This is the first time I've published 20 chapters in a story. I'm feeling proud of myself and of your guys. This story is only here because you guys care very much about it.

Here it go, please review!


Another cup of coffee would probably have Rory had flying into the bathroom, rather than walking. Nevertheless, she took the mug and drove it to her mouth again.

She stared angrily at the enormous pile of work on her desk. What was happening to this office? Was there no one else capable of taking on some of these responsibilities? Her email inbox was nearly full and she had twenty-five voice mail messages. That's when she realized. Work hadn't changed, she did.

It was sad to admit, but she had let her personal life affect her performance at work. Willing to change this, she woke up and dove into her work, determined to push the recurring thoughts of Logan from her head.

"So, did you talk to him?" Amy came over, whispering.

"No..." She replied, typing in something on her computer without taking her eyes off the monitor.

"Was he here?"

"Yes. " She answered, still automatically.

"So what did you do here last night?

For the first time she looked at Amy and just shot her a sly grin.

"Shut up! Who are you and what you did with my best friend?" Amy crossed her arms and leaned on the table, turning her head from side to side as if considering Rory's flat face from unseen angles, a few seconds before jumping off the table. "You had sex in this desk, didn't you? Gross!"

She didn't answer; she just exhaled and stared at her through embarrassed eyes.

"Silence implies consent."

"Seriously, how do you do that?" Asked a marveled Rory.

"This table is suspiciously clean. I'd say you got here even earlier to sanitize your sex germs. See? No dust!" She proudly showed off her detective skills and then frowned. "Damn it, I touched it again."

"Maybe. "

"Well, congratulations my friend."

Rory gave her a yeah, right look. "You just said it was gross."

"Yeah, because I don't need to touch it. Now I can't lean on this anymore, because I'll think about you and Logan having sex on it."

"You often imagine people doing?"

"Of course! Every time I meet a couple, I imagine them having sex. Some people cannot sell that image, but I can totally imagine you two, which mean you have future."

"Thanks, Jeane Dixon. Now that's enough for today." She headed toward the kitchen to put on coffee.

Logan watched her from the corner of his eye as she walked past him not looking his way at all. She moved gracefully as he realized how pretty she was with the slight flush of pleasure on her cheeks. He wanted to remind himself that he needed to plaster his best work face, but he couldn't bring himself to do so at the moment.

He waited for a few minutes and followed her in to the kitchen, standing beside her. She glanced up long enough for him to know she noticed his presence, then returned her attention to her cup.

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