CHAPTER 4 - If You're OK With.

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Disclaimer: I don't own the story or characters featured in Gilmore Girls, however I have a fertile mind and a fan orphan heart.

A/N: A quick update! I really don't know what's happening to me. I must be sick or something. Unfortunately no one has guessed what happens in this chapter, but the good news is that it keeps the expectation. I hope you like it.

UNTIL I HEAL. CHAPTER 4 – If You're OK With.

Rory stepped into the bar feeling completely out of place, like bacon on a vegetarian pizza.

The music was deafening and people spoke louder than she could take. Rory didn't miss that part of the single life. People bumping into each other and dropping liquids all over neatly pressed clothes.

That sucked and still she was there, pretending to have fun like many people around her. Women wearing 'too tight' clothing and unnecessary heels punishing their feet. Men showing off expensive drinks to lure those same women into their charms. She cursed Amy inside for that. She could be currently sleeping under her warm sheets with her belly full of warm soup. Instead, she was wearing the same as the other women, plus a bra.

"Rory, over here!" Amy waved effusively.

"Hi, guys." Rory said when she approached.

"Hey, Ror." Everyone greeted her in unison, which she concluded they had a considerable amount of alcohol in their bloodstreams already.

"Wow, how long have you guys have been here?" She asked.

"Well, considering that it's almost 10 PM. I'd say a long time now. Why did you take so long?" Amy questioned. Her tone always mandatorily bossy.

Rory smiled politely. "I had some things to finish." She stated, but the truth was that she didn't want to stay there for a long time, so she kept stalling much as she could, even if she had nothing really important to do.

Amy studied her every word, as if searching for some variation in Rory's inflection before seemingly accepting her answer. "You're such a work dork." She shook her head in reproof, tossing the drink down her throat.

Rory frowned, protesting. "I'm so not."

"Yes you are." The choir of voices agreed.

"Well, I'm here now." She rolled her eyes.

"Good, you should try this." Amy suggested dragging small shot glasses toward Rory at the table.

Rory looked at them, immediately recognizing the contents. Her face softened as she touched the memories.

Amy stepped forward excitedly to give Rory a great explanation she had just learned. "This is..."

"Bloody red hair." Rory completed.

The table was silent as they all watched Rory's reaction to the drink, saved for the sound of hysteria in the bar.

"How do you know that?" Amy asked cocking her head in surprise.

Rory froze momentarily, silently ordering herself to act nonchalantly. She scratched her eyebrows. "Ah..." She cursed inside. She said too much and almost gave something away. People kept staring at her, hungry to satisfy their curiosity. She and Logan exchanged very brief looks, but apparently, only Rory was embarrassed. To be fair, Logan couldn't be having more fun.

"Yeah." She stopped. It occurred to her that whatever she said would bring more questions. "I tried this before." She answered, trying to sound confident.

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