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Disclaimer: I don't own the story or characters featured in Gilmore Girls, however I have a fertile mind and a fan orphan heart.

A/N: Big chapters are back! I spent weeks writing this chapter meticulously. I'm so excited to get into this new phase, I hope you like it. Reviews are appreciated as always. I guess can't thank all my readers enough. Your support means everything to me and this story. ❤

Just a quick context update: In this story, Rory and Logan's timelines have been altered since the incident, but Lorelai's remains the same. And ah, Luke and Lorelai are already married. No "let's wait 10 years to figure out what we want" here.


"I knew I should've gotten dressed at the plane." Rory desperately concluded as the car pulled over.

"There is no time, Ace. You do it inside."

"And compromise the integrity of the event? You spent way too much time away from Emily."

"And whose fault is it?" He countered.

"Yours. Come on, get out of the car." She rebutted.


"I need to get dressed, Logan. The party is up."

He drew in a sharp breath. "Fine."

"Don't pry." She requested.

Emily glanced outside the window and met a strange figure when an unfamiliar black luxury car pulled over. Was she seeing right? Because it seemed like Logan Huntzberger was currently standing in front of her door. His parents weren't even there.

Logan leaned against the car door and crossed his arms. Rory was taking forever to slip into the dress and despite how curious he was to look at her undressing, he held himself.

Rory climbed out of the car, clumsily trying to straighten her dress, tugging at it and rapidly wriggling her hips, as if something underneath were wrong and uncomfortable.

And then was clear to the hostess why that boy was suddenly around again.

"So, thanks for the ride. You really saved my life."

"You're welcome, Ace. I hope you survive this party. Give Emily my compliments."

"I'll see you tomorrow?"

Logan just nodded. As she turned to get in, a distant, but familiar voice reached over somewhere in the dark. "Dear?!"

It caught the pair's attention. Something froze inside Rory when she saw her grandmother waving effusively toward them. "Hi, Grandma. What are you doing outside? It's freezing out here."

"I know, but I saw you two and couldn't help to give my precious Granddaughter a lovely hug."

"You couldn't wait until I came in?"

Emily ignored her question and leaned over to hug her, slightly spinning Rory around so she could look straight at Logan.

Rory should've known. Emily didn't miss a trick.

"Logan, my dear. I didn't see you there. How are you?"

"I'm fine, Emily. Thank you very much. You look great as always." Logan told her, bending to kiss her hand.

"Ass kisser." The words crawled out Rory's mouth as a cough escaped from her lips.

"What did you say?" Emily asked.

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