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Disclaimer: I don't own the story or characters featured in Gilmore Girls, however I have a fertile mind and a fan orphan heart.

A/N: I heard you thought I was gone! Not this time!

Thank you for all the reviews, the affection and also for all the travel tips. I had a great time and cannot wait to visit again. I've already returned to my crazy routine, but that wasn't the reason I took so long to update the story. The truth is: I think I just forgot how to write. Seriously, I was so out of the story that I almost started writing a new one. I had an incredible idea for a new story, but I ended up deciding to post only when I finish this one. After all, I don't want to keep you hanging. I was going to write a serious chapter, but what the hell... I wrote a kind of chapter I think you want to read. Hot as you asked, but not a complete filler. I didn't have time to review the chapter, so if there's any problem I'll fix later. I didn't want you to wait any longer. It's Friday today!

Here it go, please review!


Rory sipped her drink and placed it back down, smiling as she saw the flash of red hair entering the bar.

"What was so urgent?" Amy asked, a little breathless.

She struck her dramatic face to perfection. "I'm bored."

Amy dropped abruptly her purse on the chair, resting her hands on her hips. "Seriously?" Her expression hardened for a moment, but resumed soft soon after. A smile breaking through to the surface, unable to remain serious for long. "What are we having?"


"Arriba!" Amy waved to the waiter, ordering her drink right away.

"So I told him we could see each other on Saturday or Sunday — you know, it doesn't really matter to me, but I hate when men want to sleep over. I was like — honey, do your thing and take off. I really want all the bed for myself."

By that time, they'd had at least three drinks. Each.

Rory coughed, trying to catch her breath. "You told him to leave? Just like that?"

"Of course! Do you want Logan in your bed every night?"

"I definitely want him at least for one night." Rory thought aloud. Damn, that was so frustrating. In recent days, Logan has become busy with the demands of the custody hearings. Needless to say they weren't spending much time together, or hadn't had time to actually talk about them.

Their schedules were mismatched; they were stressed out with their own problems and still had the ghost of an unknown woman. That last detail shouldn't be bothering her, but it was anyway.

Rory couldn't admit to herself that she was still having trouble to digest all the information and don't even get her started with the fact she'd been unable to make any progress on the pile of work already cluttering her desk, and now more had just been added to her very full plate. Yes. She sure needed a drink.

Amy paused, the glass midway to her mouth and frowned at Rory. She thought for a minute what her friend meant by that, but she was having so much fun that let it slip. The next minute, the waiter interrupted them. "Excuse me, ladies. These are compliments from those two gentlemen."

Two glasses of Merlot. Amy and Rory stared simultaneously at the end of the bar. There were two handsome guys in the corner, raising their glasses of scotch to them in response.

"Look at that. Nice. Very nice." Amy pulled a mirror out of her purse and glanced at herself. She checked her hair and applied some lipstick.

"Mind if we join you?" Asked one of the guys as their reached the table and smiled brightly, trying to make quick eye contact with both of them.

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