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Disclaimer: I don't own the story or characters featured in Gilmore Girls, however I have a fertile mind and a fan orphan heart.

A/N: Have I told you that my heart is filled with joy every time you guys review my story? I'm so happy that I have new readers (Yay!) and my old readers are amazing. This chapter is shorter, sort of a filler, but it prepares us for the next one. I wish you guys fill my inbox with reviews. I'm sad because this fandom seems to be dying slowly. ❤


"Amy, where are you? We're leaving today. It would be nice to know that you didn't fell off the face of the earth."

Rory flipped her phone shut, sat on the bed and glanced over at Amy's empty bed. She was as furious as a wet cat. This was the fifth message she left to her friend today. Amy had finished her tasks and had given herself the right to party around. And most importantly — she wasn't alone. She now had two new best friends.

Rory wasn't at all excited about this idea, though. She was packing her bags when someone knocked at her door.

"Now who?" She thought to herself. She opened the door and Logan was standing in the hallway.


"I came here to pick you up." Logan announced.

She sighed heavily. "Won't my pumpkin carriage come today?"

"No, prince charming came by himself." He joked.

She put her head out of the door and slowly glanced all around. "I don't see it."

"Just go dress, Ace. I'm starving." He pleaded in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, should I dress up to go out with someone as remarkable as you?" She playfully retorted.

He raised his eyebrows, scanning her. She looked like someone who just woke up. She was wearing a white T-shirt, chiffon pants and pink flip-flops. Her face was clean and her hair wrapped into a messy bun. It all made her look all of fifteen, although she looked as pretty as the first time he saw her.

Logan wanted to say that it was at least strange that she was going to leave like that, but her face showed that she couldn't care less. Plus, she was uniquely cute.

"Fine, but I have to say, Ace — You'll have to keep your hands for yourself. I don't want to spend the night in jail."

Rory rolled her eyes. "I'll watch myself."

She walked back to the room, picked up her coat and folded it over her arm. She followed him next, saying dejectedly. "I like how people always have plans for me."

He giggled. "Now you know how it's like to be me."

They were waiting anxiously for their food. Neither of them had eaten breakfast, and every minute seemed like forever. The waitress approached the table to hand them their orders. She placed down Rory's meal and then delivered Logan's lunch. His breath caught in his throat as she leaned over him, giving him a good view of her breasts, framed perfectly in the black lace cups.

He inevitably turned his head to watch her walk away and then turned back to Rory, still dazzled, as the waitress flashed an indiscreet smile.

Rory caught the brief exchange and just rolled her eyes, which also didn't go unnoticed by Logan.

"Oh, don't be like that, Ace. I check you out every day." He added, sending an annoying wink to her.

She thought about answering him properly, but she knew that anything she'd say might sound like spite. Then she chose to fake indifference. She stuck her fingers into her ham sandwich, jumping when her phone rang. That frustrated the hell out of her. She looked at the phone's screen and smiled discreetly. "My favorite mother."

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