Chapter 1

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(F/n) (L/n) was your normal 17-year-old girl attending night school, until she met the vampire brothers, the Sakamaki and the Mukami brothers. The brothers loved her so much, they even made love to her so they can show their feelings towards her. After they made love to her, (Y/n) wasn't sure which vampire brother that she wanted to be with until the brother started to fight over her.

(Y/n) tried her best to make them stop fighting but, it was no use since they wouldn't listen to reason. One day, (Y/n)'s parents have heard of the vampire brothers fighting over her so they decided to move away from Tokyo so they were far away from the stupid conflict. This broke the vampire brothers hearts after she left and they began to forget about her as the months went by.

But, all of that was about to change, one night, (Y/n) is in the bathroom and she was sitting on the edge of the bathtub as she waited for the results of the pregnancy test, that was sitting on the bathroom counter.


"Please let this be wrong, please let this be wrong..."

I mumbled quietly as I fidgeted with my fingers as I waited for the results. I looked at my stomach, that had started getting bigger for the last three months since I've moved to (Town's Name). I glanced at the pregnancy stick and I was hesitant at first but, I took a deep breath and I then looked at the results.

My eyes widen in shock when I saw the results, the one word that I was hoping that won't appear, 'Positive'. I placed my hand on my forehead and I stood up from the edge of the bathtub and I paced back forth not wanting this to be true. I left the bathroom and I headed to my bedroom and I looked at the other three pregnancy tests that I took earlier and they were all right including the one that I have in my hand.

I sat down in the corner of the room and I started crying. Mom heard me sobbing and then she came in and asked me.

"(Y/n)? are you all right sweetie?"

"Oh,'re going to be disappointed in me when I tell you this."

"Tell me what? (Y/n) you've been acting oddly for the last few days, what's going on with you?"

I couldn't tell her so I pointed at the pregnancy tests that were sitting on my desk and then Mom saw them and she was shocked when she looked at them. Mom looked at me and she then sat beside me and she then said to me.

"(Y/n) sweet girl, how did this happen to you?"

"Do I really need to go into details?"

Mom gave me the 'are you being serious' look. I sighed and I then said to her.

"I more than kissed the Mukami and the Sakamaki brothers, they...well, you know."

Mom was surprised when I told her this and then she said to me.

"(Y/n), why did you do this?"

"I didn't do this on purpose and I didn't plan this either! it just happened all right?! *sighs* the brothers fell in love with me and they showed me how they felt by making love to me and now, thanks to one of them, I'm like this!"

I shouted angrily and I then mom wraps her around my shoulders and she then said to me.

"Easy, (Y/n), it's all right, I'm not getting angry with you, I'm just shocked that you're like this."

"Mom, what am I going to do? Dad is going to be furious."

"Calm down, here's what we'll do, we'll talk with your Father and tell him about your 'situation' and who you done it with and then we need to tell Tougo about this."

Diabolik Lovers x Pregnant!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now