The one with the fighting

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-July 13, 2013-

Kaitlyn's POV

"Alright, Kait, I got to go now," Austin said, pulling his arm out from around me.

"No, why?" I whined.

"I got to go do some last minute sound checks," he said, standing up.

"I'll come with you," I suggested, standing up.

"No, Kait, you stay here and get ready, I'll see you tonight," Austin said, impatiently.

"Come on, babe, I'll get some nice pictures of you during sound check," I said, grabbing my camera bag from the side table.

"Kaitlyn! Just stay here, I'm literally going to see you tonight," Austin yelled angrily.

"Austin!" I said, hurt by his tone of voice.

"God, Kaitlyn, you've gotten so clingy lately. Just let me have a few hours alone, please," he huffed.

"Fine, you seem like you got some stuff to figure out so I hope you can get your shit together by tonight," I said, walking out of the room and slamming the door behind me.

I suppressed my tears and walked down the hall to Taylor and my shared room. I aggressively shoved my key into the door and opened it, stepping inside. I let the door swing shut as I walked towards my suitcase.

"Kaitlyn?" Taylor called out, walking out of the bathroom to find me grabbing random clothes from my bag.

"I'm going to shower," I grumbled, brushing past Taylor to walk into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.

I stripped off my clothes from this morning and stepped into the shower.

I stepped out of the shower, drying my hair off with a towel when there was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Kait?" Taylor called out lightly.

"Yeah," I responded.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, Tay, I'm almost done," I said, slipping on a pair of leggings and a sports bra before walking out of the bathroom.

"No, I mean, are you okay?" Taylor said, placing a caring hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah," I said, shrugging her hand off, "why wouldn't I be?"

"You seemed kind of mad when you got back from Austin's room," Taylor suggested.

"Yeah, we had a little disagreement, but I'm fine. He just needs to get his shit together," I said, mumbling the last part.

"Aw, Kait, what happened?" Taylor asked, wrapping her arms around me in a hug that I didn't even know I needed.

"He told me I was too clingy," I told her.

"He what!" Taylor said, pulling away with an angry expression.

"Yeah, he said he was going to do some sound checks so I said I'd come and take pictures but then he blew up at me and told me I was clingy and that he needed a few hours alone," I explained as Taylor led me to the couch. "So I told him to figure out what was going on and left."

"That's awful," Taylor said as we sat down.

"I don't know what I did," I said, looking down at my lap.

"You probably didn't do anything," Taylor said, grabbing one of my hands. "Maybe he just needed some alone time."

"Yeah, I guess, but he's been so on edge lately," I said, looking up at my sister.

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