The one with the awkwardness

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-May 4, 2013; 4:30 pm-

Kaitlyn's POV

It was time to head to the concert venue and we had to meet in the hotel first. Austin and I had hung out all day and I started crushing on him even more. I wish I could talk to someone about it, but Taylor had made it clear I couldn't talk to her at all. I saw the group of everyone in the lobby and saw Taylor amongst the crowd. Good, now I can get my stuff from the room. I ran upstairs and got all of my camera stuff together before meeting Austin downstairs again. We were talking about little things when Austin's eyes narrowed and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see the one person I didn't want to see. Taylor. I shrugged her hand off and continued talking to Austin.

"Kaitlyn, please," her voice sounded so broken.

"What do you want?" I seethed quietly.

"We need to talk," she said.

"I think we've talked enough and we have both said what we need to say," I told her coldly without even turning around.

"I haven't," she said.

"I don't want to talk to you," I said, whipping around to face her with tears in my eyes. She pulled me aside and tried to give me a hug but I pushed her away.

"I'm sorry," she started, "I didn't mean a word I said and you were right. I crossed the line and I'm so sorry. I want you to know though, I love you and I never want you to have to go through the pain of heartbreak of a long distance relationship like I had to. Because it hurts. But you deserve to live because you'll do it hella well. I will back off and you know what, I think you and Austin should date because he's a great guy who was there last night when I pushed you out and you needed him. So please be with him," she finished.

"We're just friends," I instinctively said. "What about what you said about not caring and not wanting to be sisters? I can't just forget about that Tay, because your mouth doesn't make that up. It came from somewhere and obviously it's true otherwise it wouldn't have come out."

"It's not true, you are the best sister in the whole world and I love and care about you more than anything in the entire world," she said.

"I believe you, but I don't know if I can forgive you. Your words hurt me Taylor, you say you don't want me to experience heartbreak but then you go and break my heart." I said, feeling a tear escape and roll down my face.

"I don't know what to say, I'm so sorry," she said pulling me into a hug. "I love you she whispered.

"To the moon and back," I finished.

"Are we okay?" She asked.

"Getting there," I said.

"Good," she said. We walked out of the hotel to our car where Ed and Austin were waiting. We climbed in and sat across from the boys.

"So I have to ask, are you guys like a thing now, or... ?" Taylor asked me and Austin.

"We are just friends," I assured her.

"Yeah," Austin said, his smile dropping.

"For now," Taylor whispered into my ear. I elbowed her in the side as the car started moving. We drove to Ford Field with all of us making jokes and just messing around. When we got to the venue, there were fans gathered by the door. The security cleared a path and we walked into the backstage area. I walked with Taylor to her dressing room and the boys went into theirs. I put my camera together and walked to the stage where Austin was warming up his voice.

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