The one with the hospital visit

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After we got off the ride, we stopped at the exit.

"Would you guys like to join us for the rest of the day?" Bonnie asked.

"That would be awesome!" I accidentally said. "Did I say that out loud?" I asked Taylor. She laughed and nodded.

"Cool, so how about we get some lunch?" Emma said.

"Sweet," I said.

We went to the restaurant right outside of Harry Potter World called Mythos. We got in fairly quickly so that all of the celebrities didn't have to wait outside and get bombarded by fans. We sat at a big table in the back that fit all twelve of us.

"So Kaitlyn are you in college?" Emma asked me.

"Yeah, I'm a freshman at NYU," I replied.

"Oh my god seriously, I thought you were like twenty," Bonnie said, surprised.

"No, I'm eighteen," I laughed.

"Wait really? I thought you were twenty?" Emma asked.

"Nope, just eighteen," I said.

"And you're never going to be twenty," Taylor told me.

"Oh be quiet," I said, playfully shoving her.

After lunch, we walked around the park a little more and we really got to know everybody. Bonnie and I really hit it off which is amazing! I would never have imagined meeting Bonnie Wright; let alone becoming friends with her. The paparazzi didn't catch up with us until we were leaving when they were all crowded at the exit of the park.

"Kaitlyn stay close to me," Taylor told me as we neared the group of flashing cameras.

We stayed together until someone grabbed my arm and I was pulled away from the group and into the group of paps.

"Taylor!" I yelled, but it just blended in with the other people yelling. The person pulling me finally let go of my arm and I fell to the ground as people pushed towards where the rest of the celebrities were walking. I twisted my ankle as I fell, but I stuck out my arm to catch myself. I felt a pop as my hand hit the ground. I saw Taylor running towards me with Austin and the rest of the group behind her.

"Kaitlyn! Are you okay?" She asked, kneeling down to my level.

I shook my head no and looked down at my wrist and ankle.

"Can you stand?" Austin asked. He put an arm around me and helped me to stand, but as soon as I put weight on it, there was a shooting pain up my leg from my ankle.

"Ow," I said.

"We need to get you to the hospital," Austin said, sweeping me up into his arms.

He carried me bridal style to the car and put me down in the backseat.

"I'll come with you," Bonnie said, climbing into the car next to me.

"Okay, we'll meet you at the nearest hospital," Emma said, leaving with the rest of the group.

Austin and Taylor got into the front seats and Taylor rushed to the hospital.

When we got there, Austin carried me into the ER and someone brought us back to a room.

"Hello there Kaitlyn, I'm Dr. Harvey," the doctor said, walking over to me. "What happened?"

"I fell and I think I twisted my ankle. I tried to catch myself with my hand and there was a pop in my wrist," I told him.

"Okay, well we are going to need to X-ray both your ankle and wrist," he said, "I will bring someone in here to do that for you, then you'll need to wait and we can see what's going on."

"Okay, thank you," I said.

"I'm going to call mom and dad," Taylor said, leaving the room.

Someone came in to X-ray me and we waited for almost a half hour before the doctor came back.

"Okay, so you have a sprained ankle and a broken wrist. So we will need to put a cast on your wrist and a boot of your ankle," the doctor said.

"How long will I have the cast?" I asked.

"Eight weeks for your wrist and four in a boot," he said.

"Okay," Taylor said.

"We can take you in for the cast now," he said.

"Okay," I said.

They took me to a different room where I could get my cast on. I chose a purple cast for my wrist. It took about 15 minutes to put on the cast and I had to wait another ten minutes after that for the cast to be officially done. Dr. Harvey gave me the boot and told me the rules of having it. I went back out to the waiting room where Taylor and Austin were waiting with Bonnie and Emma. They told me that everyone else went back to their hotel. We went back to our hotel and Taylor and Austin helped me get into different clothes. Taylor let me pick something to watch and we snuggled up on our bed and watched some Grey's Anatomy. We fell asleep snuggled up together and we slept peacefully through the night.


AN: I know this chapter sucks, but it is kind of a part two to the last chapter. Thanks for reading anyway and vote if you liked the past two chapters!

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