The one with the songwriting session

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- February 22, 2012-

"Come on Taylor let's go!" I yelled. Today I finally get my wrist cast off. I got out of my boot a month ago and I can't wait to get this stupid cast off.

"I'm here, let's go," Taylor said, running past me, out the door.

We drove to the doctor's office while jamming out to some music from the radio.

The doctor took me back and they cut off my cast. Next, they took an X-ray to see if I was healed. The doctor brought in the results ten minutes later.

"Is it healed?" I asked.

"Yes, you will just need to wear a brace for a week and a half then you are all done," he said.

"Thank you," I said. He handed me the brace and showed me how to put it on.

"Can I drive?" I asked. I missed driving so much, it's so annoying to have to get a ride from someone every time I want to go somewhere.

"Not until you stop having to wear the brace," he said.

"Okay," I sighed.

We left the office and Taylor drove us home. When we got back to the apartment, I went to my room and started working on my homework. I heard Taylor strumming some songs in the studio which happened to be right across from my room. I packed up my stuff and went over to the studio and laid my stuff out on the floor. I saw Taylor smile at me and she continued playing around with her guitar.

"So how's Ethan? I haven't seen him in a while," Taylor said.

"Oh my gosh, it's amazing. Every time we're together I feel butterflies. Last week we hung out in Central Park and we were walking around when he took my hand and I was literally in a state of grace. And I was talking to one of my friends about him and they said something bad about him and I actually defended him so hard. He's my Achilles heel." I gushed.

"State of grace, you're my Achilles heel," Taylor mumbled. "This is it. I'm writing this song." She grabbed her phone and started making a voice memo like she always does when she's writing a song.

"What?" I said.

"A song about the bliss of the beginning of a relationship. It's a state of grace, he's your Achilles heel," she said.

"Oh I see it," I said. I started tapping a beat on my book with my pencil. After a few seconds of my beat, Taylor joined in with her guitar and she played a few chords. She wrote down what we just did in her songbook.

"Keep talking about him," Taylor told me.

"Um okay, well there was another time when we were walking through the city and the paps start following us so we start walking fast through the streets that were filled with people," I said.

"We're walking fast by the traffic lights, busy streets, and busy lives," Taylor said.

"Go play that beat again on the drums over there," she told me.

I got up and grabbed a pair of sticks before playing the same beat as before. Taylor played some of the same chords as before and we played together.

"We're walking fast by the traffic lights, busy streets, and busy lives," Taylor sang and played.

"Ahhhhh I love it!" I said.

"Me too! What else can you tell me about your relationship?" She said, eager for more lyrics.

"We were walking around campus the other day and it was like... like I couldn't deny my love for him, I was defenseless. I feel so vulnerable with him," I said.

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