The one with the boyfriend

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-October 8, 2012-

"Tay! I'm home!" I yelled into the seemingly empty apartment. I had come home last week from filming. Lexi was kind of a more minor character so I wasn't on set as much as Melissa was. This actually worked out really well for me though, because I didn't have to miss as much school and soccer. The only downside of this is that I spend most of my time in an airplane flying back and forth across the country.

"In here!" She called out from her in-house studio room.

"Hey," I said, walking into the room.

"Hey, how was your day?" She asked.

"Good," I replied, "you're coming to my game on Saturday right?"

"Yes, yes of course I am," Taylor confirmed.

"Ok, don't forget; Saturday, at Gaelic Park, 2pm," I told her.

"I know, I know; Saturday, Gaelic Park, 2pm," she repeated.

"Good," I said satisfied.

"Go shower then we can go out somewhere," Taylor told me.

"Ok," I said, walking to my room. I threw my stuff down on my bed and walked into my bathroom. I took my sweaty soccer uniform off and threw it into my laundry basket. I turned on a cold shower and hopped in. After my shower, I walked into my room wrapped in my towel. I looked through my closet trying to pick something to wear.

"Taylor! Where are we going?" I yelled to her.

"I don't know, where do you want to go?"

"Can we go to that one restaurant in the city that has really good pizza?" I asked.

"Ooh, yeah!" Taylor agreed.

I grabbed a pair of plain blue jeans and a white knit sweater that I stole from Taylor. I put on my white high top converse and a long gold necklace that had a cursive K at the end. I walked into my bathroom and blow dried my long reddish-orange hair. I braided my hair and let it drape over my shoulder. I applied a little bit of makeup and put on some gold earring studs and a gold Alex and Ani bracelet designed with a Wonder Woman decal.

"Kaitlyn, are you ready yet?" Taylor yelled.

"Yeah! I'm coming," I said, grabbing a small cross body purse with my wallet and phone. I walked out to where Taylor was waiting while scrolling through my twitter feed. I walked into the kitchen and accidentally bumped into something really hard. I looked up and saw a guy standing there.

"Oh, sorry," I said.

"Hey, Kaitlyn this is Connor Kennedy," Taylor said. "Connor, this is my sister Kaitlyn."

"Nice to meet you," I said.

"You too," he repeated.

"Connor's going to join us for dinner," Taylor said, shyly.

"Oh shoot, I just remembered I have a huge project due tomorrow for photography class. I have to go to Toby's place to work on it, guess I have to miss dinner sorry!" I said. I'm not really sure why I said that, my mouth just kind of did it.

"Connor, can you go start the car? I'll be there in a minute," Taylor said sweetly.

"Yeah sure," he said, walking out of the apartment.

"Are you okay?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" I said quickly, putting on a brave face.

"Kaitlyn," Taylor said sternly.

"Tay, I'm fine. I just really have to go to Toby's place," I said, taking a deep breath and walking out the door. I heard Taylor sigh behind me and she followed me out. I decided to walk to Toby's apartment instead of drive. I shot him a quick text to see if he was busy and he replied no so I walked my way to his apartment. I let my mind wander as my feet walked the trained path to the apartment building. When I got there, I rode the elevator to the fifth floor and walked down the hall.

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