The one with the phone call

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A/N: please don't hate me also a good song for this chapter is Be Alright by Dean Lewis

-August 3, 2013-

Third Person POV

"Hey Austin, how are you?" Kaitlyn said into the phone.

"Fine," Austin said from the other side of the phone.

"How's New York?" Kaitlyn asked, twirling a piece of her hair around her finger.

"It's fine, how's Kansas City?" He asked plainly.

"Crazy, there were so many people last night," she told him.

"How many?" He asked, sounding bored.

"Almost 26.5 thousand people," Kaitlyn replied.

"Wow," he said, not sounding amused at all.

"What's wrong babe?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Nothing, why?" He answered.

"You sound sad," she said, "what's going on, Aus?"

"Nothing Kait, don't worry about it," Austin said.

"Austin, I'm your girlfriend, of course I'm going to worry about it," Kaitlyn said. "Now what's wrong?"

"Kaitlyn! I told you I'm fine, why can't you just leave it alone?" Austin yelled, his anger flowing out of him.

"Woah, Austin, I'm sorry but I'm worried about you. You've been kind of withdrawn lately," Kaitlyn said, hurt by the tone of his voice.

"Well, it's because you keep badgering me with questions! Why can't you just leave me alone, Kaitlyn?" Austin yelled again.

"Fine," Kaitlyn said as tears started rolling down her cheeks, "if that's what you want, then I'll leave you alone. I hope you're happy Austin."

Kaitlyn hung up the phone just in time for Hailee to enter the dressing room where Kaitlyn sat on the couch staring at her phone with tears pouring from her eyes.

"Kait? What's wrong? What happened?" Hailee asked, rushing over to sit at her best friend's side.

"Austin, h-he- I think he just broke up with me," Kaitlyn hiccuped, turning to face Hailee.

"What? Oh my gosh, what happened?" Hailee asked, rubbing her friend's back soothingly.

"He's been kind of distant lately and I asked him about it and he yelled at me and told me to leave him alone so I said that's what I'd do and he hung up the phone," Kaitlyn said, a fresh flow of tears emerging from her eyes.

"Kait, that's awful, I'm so sorry," Hailee said, pulling Kaitlyn into a hug so that she could cry on her best friend's shoulder.

"Hailee, what if this is it? What if we break up?" Kaitlyn cried.

"Kait, come on it's okay, you guys will get through this and if you don't, well, you've always been too good for him," Hailee comforted her best friend.

"Hailee, I can't not be with him. I need him; I love him," Kaitlyn said, her sobs turning into soft cries.

"Kaitlyn? What happened?" Taylor asked, running over to kneel down in front of her sister.

"Her and Austin got into a fight," Hailee explained.

"Oh my god, Kait I'm so sorry, but don't worry, you guys will get through this," Taylor said, pulling her little sister into a hug.

"I don't know Tay, what if we don't?" Kaitlyn said, pulling away as her phone started ringing.

"Look, that's probably him calling to apologize," Taylor said as Kaitlyn answered her phone.

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