The one with the sweetness

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-June 9, 2013-

"Kaitlyn, you need to wake up soon," Taylor said sweetly.

I groaned and turned away from her.

"Babe, come on at least come into the hotel instead of this bus," she pleaded.

"Alright," I sighed, getting up.

I got out of the bed and grabbed my stuff to bring into the hotel. I put on my sunglasses and tied my hair into a quick ponytail. We walked out of the bus to be enveloped in a sea of paparazzi. Taylor's security pushed them back as we got inside. We got the keys to our room then went straight up. We walked into the suite and out our stuff away in the rooms. I laid down on the bed and snuggled under the covers. I fell asleep quickly in the sea of blankets.

Taylor's POV

I heard Kaitlyn's phone ringing from the bedroom and I quickly ran to answer the call so it wouldn't wake her up. It was a face time call from Austin.

"Hey Austin," I said, answering the call.

"Hey Taylor where's Kaitlyn?" He asked.

"She's asleep," I replied.

"Is she getting better?" He asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I think it would really help if you were here though," I said.

"I'm almost done here, I should be able to meet you either tomorrow or the day after," he said.

"Sounds good," I said.

"Okay, well tell Kaitlyn to call me when she wakes up," he said.

"Okay," I agreed.

"Bye Taylor."

"Bye Austin," I said before ending the call.

Kaitlyn woke up a couple hours later when my mom brought us some dinner from the restaurant downstairs.

"Do you feel any better?" I asked her as she plopped down next to me on the couch.

"Not really," she said, laying her head down on my shoulder.

"Austin called," I told her.

"Really?" She asked, perking up.

"Yeah, he said that he will be able to meet us either tomorrow or the day after," I told her.

"Yay," she said happily.


-June 11, 2013-

Austin's POV

I walked out of the airport and through the see of paparazzi to find Taylor waiting for me in a black SUV.

"Hey," I said to her.

"Hey," she repeated.

"Where's Kaitlyn?" I asked, disappointed that my girlfriend didn't come to pick me up.

"She's asleep at the hotel. She's still not feeling 100% but she's getting better," she said. "I thought you could wake her up when we get back."

"Does she know you're here?" I asked as we drove away from the airport.

"Nope, I thought it would be a nice surprise," she smiled.

"Awesome," I smiled at the thought of surprising my girlfriend.

We pulled up to the hotel and Taylor's security led us through the sea of paparazzi who must have figured out that Taylor was staying here. Taylor leads me up to her room and let's me into where Kaitlyn's sleeping.

I walk over to the bed and kneel down next to my sleeping girlfriend.

"Hey babe," I said, sitting face to face with her.

She groaned before stretching and falling back asleep.

"Kaitlyn, wake up," I said again.

"Taylor, I'm tired," she said, dragging out the 'd'.

"It's not Taylor babe," I laughed.

She opened her eyes and immediately smiled when she saw me.

"Austin? What are you doing here?" She asked groggily.

"I'm here to see you babe," I smiled, kissing her nose.

"You're sweet, you know that?" She said, sniffling.

"Sweeter than candy?" I teased.

"No, but still sweet," she giggled.

"Alright sneezy, get out of bed and let's do something," I said, standing up.

"No, I want to stay here with you," Kaitlyn said, sticking her bottom lip out.

"Fine, move over," I said, kicking my shoes off and sliding into bed next to her.

"Let's watch a movie," Kaitlyn said, grabbing the remote off of the side table.

"Which one?" I asked, putting my arm around Kaitlyn as she scooted into my side.

"How about Love, Actually?" Kaitlyn asked.

I groaned.

"Please babe," she begged, sticking out her bottom lip.

"Fine," I complied.

"Yes," she said excitedly, turning on the movie.

Kaitlyn snuggled closer into my side as I spread the blanket over us and laid my head on hers.

I couldn't help but wonder how I landed myself such a great girl.


AN: Sorry it's kind of a short chapter but there's going to be some drama up ahead😏

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