Chapter 36

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Ethan's P.O.V

Jumping on the bed and screaming songs we didn't know we had in common, that's the way I wish I'd spent the last couple months of my life. My legs began to ache and I slowly stopped jumping and as if our minds were one so did he.

His smile.

"Tired?" He asked.

"Yeah, aren't you?"

He shook his head.

We both sat on the bed together and continued to hum quietly. I feel safer this way, I don't have the best singing voice.

"Okay then, let's go."



"Its date time. Get up. Let's go." He smiled.

"Yeah, that's not happening I'm in my pajamas."

He shrugged as though saying, 'so'

"W-well I can't just go in these old superman pajamas." I pouted lightly.

"I like your pajamas." He smiled.

I just shook my head and denied finally.

"Okay then." He said before picking me up on his shoulder and walking me downstairs as I struggled to free myself.

"Alex, stop. Put me down!" He laughed at me suffering.

That jerk!

Remind me why I like him again?

I gave up trying to run when he placed me in the car. I just huffed in annoyance and put my seat belt on.

As upset as I am about going on my first with Alex in old Superman PJ's I couldn't help but feel happiness fill me up entirely as his hand found mine while his other hand began to drive off.

I love this feeling, I feel like an old married couple and that's exciting. Yet sad at the same time.

Wait what!

Suddenly the thought of being married to Alex crossed my mind and a heavy blush coated my cheeks. Why am I thinking that way I have not been dating him long enough for that.

Maybe it's because I've just like him for longer than I thought.

"So will you tell me where it is were going now so I can prepare for the level of humiliation you're gonna put me though?"

"Don't be silly, I'd never let anybody else see you in your pajamas. That's a 'for my eyes only' thing." He said turning to look at me at a red light.

I blushed crimson and looked away from him in embarrassment.

"So, where are we going then?" I asked when my blush calmed down and my face began to cool.

"I hate to be that guy but it's a surprise." He said smiling at the road, directing it at me.

I groaned but smiled right after still feeling the warmth of his hand on mine.

"Close your eyes." He said after a while of driving.

"Wait what no! That's not fair!" I whined to which he smiled and I did as he said.

With my eyes shut I tried to use my other senses to determine where I am but I wasn't so lucky with any of then. Like what am I gonna do, lick my way to knowledge. I could try to listen but the jerk started playing music so I can't hear anything but the quiet sound of the turn signal and music. I can't particularly feel anything but the warmth of his hand, especially since I'm in a car.

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