Chapter 2

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So, when they need us. We can fight the battles... That they never could.

~New Avengers Facility~

The Avengers went into a meeting to try to find a way on how did the robbers become immune to their abilities.

"What the hell just happened?" Tony asked.

No one answered. They just shrugged.

"I don't know. My webs can't even stick to them. Like they're... webproof or something." Peter said.

"My magic won't even work on them." Strange added.

They all started to talk about their experiences earlier on the previous fight when Gamora said out of nowhere,
"Maybe its Thanos' hiding child."

They all looked at her. Confused yet some start to understand what is she's saying.

"Yeah, probably. Because we fought Thanos one time but we thought we killed him. But, it's actually a fake Thanos then there's this wide dark red line thing that goes across the fake Thanos and... and it disappears." Peter Q. said.

"Just like what happened on Titan when he's talking about on how beautiful his planet is." Strange added.

"Wait. wait. wait. So, you're saying, that we're... attacked... by Thanos' new child?" Tony asked.

"Yes." Gamora nodded.

"Since, on one the six Infinity Stones. There's the Reality stone. I think that's how they're probably immune to it. They're just... fake alternate realities of people." Nebula added.

"Mr. Stark. I don't know what's happening." F.R.I.D.A.Y said as his audio start to be corrupted. Tony stood up, "Check any possibilities." Tony commanded. "I ca...n't." F.R.I.D.A.Y start to glitch. Then, a screeching sound can be heard.

Suddenly, Spiderman's suit start to glow. "I've been damaged, Peter. I've been damaged, Mr. Peter" Karen, the suit's AI said repeatedly. "What's happening?" Wanda said in confusion. The Marks of Tony starts to glitch and all of the appliances start to shake, and lights start to flicker. T'Challa's panther habit start to activate then deactivate as well.

Nebula then screamed, as if she is inflicted of excruciating pain. Gamora came up to her. "Nebula, what's happening to you?" Gamora said but Nebula is still screaming. Scott's suit start to activate and he start to become small then back to normal. Again and again. Falcon's wings activated automatically then he flew across the building. "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!" Falcon shouted. Then, the lamps start to explode. Everyone bent down and went under the table. The screeching sound became louder and louder and even Thor and Loki is affected by it. Nebula start to scream louder and Gamora start to scream as well.

Then a blue line appeared outside and start to travel up until it slowly covered the facility. It looks like the blue energy from the Tesseract until...

The blue energy brightens up and made a loud vibrating sound then it disappears. It shook the whole facility and everyone's coughing since a part of the ceiling fell. They all stood up, shocked and confused. The suits and the AIs are now healthy as well as Nebula and Gamora. The screeching sound can't be heard as well. They all slowly walked outside and saw the horrific view.

"Oh, my god." Tony whispered to himself.
The Quinjet and most of the vehicles are scattered through out the ground. Destroyed.

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