Chapter 4

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I promise you, brother. The sun will shine on us again.

Peter walked out of the room. Then he start to cough, start to cough badly.

Oh no. He thought since he ate the food that the fake May offered. But, instead. He coughed out dust. He coughs repeatedly until a puff of dust escaped from his mouth.

"What the hell. Sand?" Peter then gargled his mouth several times until he cannot feel any sand in his mouth. He then looked into the table. There's no food. May walked out of the room. "Hey, are you okay?" She dried Peter's mouth with a towel.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Peter then grabbed his phone from his pocket and called Tony Stark.

~New Avengers Facility~

Tony is sitting at the edge of his bed on his partially destroyed room, wondering about Thanos's child. Then, his phone start to ring.

"Hello, this is Tony."

[Mr. Stark! Something just happened to me.]

Tony then felt chills travelled down his spine.

"What happened to you, Peter?"

[Mr. Stark. When I came home. I saw Aunt May cooked these delicious food. While we're eating. My senses are telling me something's wrong. And, its coming from Aunt May's room. Then, when I entered. The real Aunt May is tied up to her chair!

Then the fake May pointed a gun at me. But, when I stole it and pointed at her. She said that I already know her then she disintegrated. The food I also ate disintegrated as well and I vomited sand!]

"Okay. Okay. Go to the facility"

[Okay. Mr. Stark. I'm already waiting for Happy.]

Tony hanged up and Steve came rushing into the room. "Tony, Pepper went crazy." Steve said.

Tony and Steve rushed down into the entertainment room. With the Avengers pointing their powers and weapons into Pepper. Pepper stared at the Avengers. As if Pepper only wants them all to die.

"Hey, baby." Tony tried to comfort her. But, Pepper just stared at him.

"It's gonna be alright." Tony said and became closer, enough for Pepper to touch his hand.

But, Pepper used her extremis powers in order to grab Tony then punch him and send him flying back. Natasha shot her in the arm. But, since she still have the powers from the virus.

The bullet melted and the wound instantly healed. Pepper start running to Natasha and punched her. Wanda used her telekinetic powers to throw several glasses and used the shards in order to trap her. It succeeded, in a short time and she came running to Wanda. But, Peter got into the facility in time and shot as many strands of web as he can. She became trapped but the web start to melt. So,  Groot summoned roots in order to stop her from moving. Peter Q. used the electric shockers and the electricity fully immobilizes her.

"That's not the real Pepper." Peter mentioned.

"What?" Sam said.

"That happened to my Aunt. I think that child of the alien is attacking us." Peter said.

Everyone stared at him. "What do we do?" Steve asked.

"We need to check every room. Until we find the real Pepper. Peter came here so we can talk about it." Tony said.

"You want her?" The fake Pepper said.

The fake Pepper disintegrated then the door for the shoe closet under the stairs opens. It's the real Pepper tied and wrapped in heat-resistant plastic. Everyone rushed to her. They cut the plastic and Pepper gasped for air. "Tony." She hugged Tony and cried. "Tony. To-" Tony interrupted her. "No, it's okay." Tony tried to calmed her down. 

"I know who is the child. " She said. Everyone stared at her.

 "I did some research when I overheard you. I know who is the child." She added.


I know on how things happen so fast, but you know what the child did. He already planned it.

 He already planned it

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