Belleza - Chapter Twelve

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Oscar's smile was wide. Evil, if you may. He watched his jealousy play out in front of him. In colors, in motion, animated even. A movie of the consequences his emotions had, right in front of him. He felt a rough tug on his shoulder, it didn't affect him though, he didn't move a muscle.

"Oscar!" Cesar shoved him, causing him to step back and catch his balance. "Yo, I've been trying you for ten minutes, we gotta get out of here!"

Oscar chuckled deeply, looking back at Mario on the loose sand, gasping for air. "Cual es la prisa?"

"I told you this was wrong man, I always have your back but this was too far." Cesar shook his head, "vámonos, before the police get here. Hazme caso hermano!"

Oscar's eyes switched from Cesar to Mario, one of the two who was yelling out in pain in front of them, begging for mercy. After a couple of seconds, he began to nod. "Fuga, lets go." He turned to the four guys who were kicking and punching at Mario, "y'all got him right?"

"Yeah homie, we'll take care of it."

Oscar smirked, before turning and walking down the empty beach with Cesar following after him. As soon as he sat in the drivers seat of his car, Cesar started talking, yelling and crying. "You shot him, you killed him hermano."

The older brother laughed, shaking his head. "He's not dead yet, you want to go poke around and take the bullets out?"

Cesar wiped his face, "he had a family, he was our homie. You see the shit Nani makes you do? She was the one who cheated on you!"

Oscar's reaction to his sentence was quick, his hand forced around his little brothers neck. "No busques problemas donde no las tienes."

Cesar grabbed his brothers hand, tugging it away, nodding to show that he understood one hundred percent. So he let him go, stepping on the gas. Sand flew around as the tire screeched, then they were on the freeway. The whole ride was quiet, Oscar had put his hands on Cesar and he was still in shock. Tears welled up in his throat, the only family in his life and he threatened him. "Stop the car."

Oscar side-glanced at him. "What?"

"I said stop the car." He yelled, causing Oscar to floor the brake.
Cesar opened the door, letting it fly shut behind him. "We're no longer brothers, you've completely lost your mind."

"Hermano get back in the car." Cesar began to walk, his older brother slowly following behind.

Then his patience grew thing until he was gone and he floored the gas, racing down the street. That left Cesar at just three blocks from Nani's house. He contemplated on the walk there if he should tell her that Mario was dead. But he decided if something like that happened to somebody he loved, he'd want to know right away.

"Hey C." Nani smiled softly, opening the door for him to walk inside. "Come in." He didn't say anything, he just watched her face become concerned. "Is everything okay? Oscar? Is he okay?"

"He's fine." Cesar sat down, then he shook his head, "actually, he's going crazy Nani. This isn't easy for me to say but there's no other way to tell you."

"Can you tell me a little faster please?"

He swallowed, shutting his eyes tightly. Mario's dead."

She stared at him for a second, then began to laugh. When he didn't react the same we she stopped. "You're joking right?" He shook his head, pinching his lips together. Her heart dropped, shattering on the floor and her eyes welled up, "what happened?"

"Oscar. He was jealous and took it out on him." She stood up, running out of the front door, leaving Cesar dumb founded in the living room. After a few minutes he was running after her in full sprint. "Nani slow down!"

Nani ignored him, tears running down her face. Her feet hit the ground until she was in front of his house, with messy tears on her face. She picked up a metal rod that was on the porch steps and walked over to the infamous red Impala. She swung without thinking twice, taking out the back lights first, then the back window. It didn't take long for Oscar to walk outside to see what was going on.

"Nani, no!" Cesar ran up attempting to pull her away but she swung at him and he jumped to avoid being hit.

"Doesn't it hurt to see something you love so much just...." she finished her sentence by knocking the right review mirror off.

Oscars jaw dropped as he watched her take out the side windows. Before she could get to the front he ran toward her, holding her wrists. "What the fuck is your deal?"

"Get off of me!" She struggled around in his grip for a bit until she was loose and shoving him back. "You're fucking crazy, how could you do that to Mario?"

Oscar smiled, crossing his arms. "Oh, that."

"You think it's funny?" Nani pulled her hair out of her face, catching her breath. "You're a fucking psychopath!"

Oscar pouted, then began to nod slowly. "You can say that." He then shrugged, "if it makes you feel better mama, he suffered." He stepped closer, "I made him bleed out, slowly."

She felt the bile in her throat building up, but was able to make out a short sentence. "What happened to you?"

Belleza | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now