Belleza - Chapter Seven

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Oscar picked up his keys, unsure if he actually even wanted Nani back. He didn't know having a girlfriend would be so hard, the last girlfriend he had was in the seventh grade and they broke up two days after they started dating, so basically he was new to the relationship/pussy whipped stuff. He was determined to fix whatever went wrong, though. Because he could see himself living his whole life with this girl, having kids with this girl. But that thought scared him, so he decided to turn around. He made that decision way too late, because he found himself knocking on the front door of the Martinez house, mentally cursing at himself for not completely thinking it through and weighing his options.

"Did any of you guys invite someone?" Jamal stood up, walking toward the door.

"No." Ruby shook his head, softly. "But Mario said he was going somewhere, maybe he's back?"

Jamal shrugged, reaching for the door knob and twisting as he pulled it open, his heart flew out of his chest when he saw the tattooed convict in the black tank top. His fear got the best of him, so he slammed the door shut in Oscar's face without thinking of the consequences it came with. Then the frightened teenager turned to face Ruby and Monse; their jaws were on the floor.

"Open the door! He's gonna think you're disrespecting him!" Ruby whisper-shouted, nervously. "He can literally strangle you with one hand if he really wanted to."

He swallowed, reaching for the door once again. Once he pulled it open, Oscar was revealed, an annoyed scowl on his face. "Cesar told me Nani's here, she's aint answering her phone."

Ruby spoke up from behind him. From way, way behind him, hiding behind Monse. "Her phone is broken, but she's not here right now. She left with Mario to like the grocery store or to buy drugs or something. You know? Teenager shit." He chuckled nervously, trying to make light of the situation.

Oscar's face presented he was no where near amused, so he clenched his jaw before he exploded on the little boy. He knew it wasn't his fault but he couldn't control who he went off on when he was angry. So he took a sharp breath to restrain himself further.

Jamal turned, looking at Ruby for help on getting the gang leader the hell out. But Monse spoke up before anyone else could. "Would you like to wait for her?" She earned herself two glares from both Jamal and Ruby. She smiled, "come in."

Oscar stared at her for a second, then walked pass Jamal and into the house. They all flinched in unison.

Jamal widened his eyes at Ruby again before shutting the door and walking after Oscar. He sat next to him, biting his nails eager to get anything out. Just so it wouldn't be awkward. "Can I ask you something?" He asked without getting an answer, "are you thirsty?"

Both Ruby and Monse looked over, raising their eyebrow at Jamal, he shrugged. It was a dumb question, but he would have rather them yell at him for that then to yell at him for telling Oscar that Nani's in the other room. Oscar turned slowly to Jamal, a small smile cracking on his face, that turned into a whole-hearted laughed. "You ever stop talking?"

Jamal nodded quickly, afraid that one wrong move would poke the bear.

Oscar scoffed, "I'm just here for my girl, homie."

"Your girl? So you're together?"

Oscar furrowed his eyebrows, "what's with the follow up question?"

Jamal stayed quiet, he didn't know how to answer that, and really didn't want to. He was deathly afraid of Oscar, so he decided that was enough questions to last him a life time. Oscar rolled his eyes, scooting over a whole couch cushion away from him.

Nani then opened the bedroom door, walking across the hall and into the restroom. Everybody gulped, glancing at Oscar to see if he had noticed. Ruby and Monse sighed of relief when Oscar paid no attention to it, he didn't turn his head, not even a little bit. But he did pull out his phone to check the time. "Dejándose de mamadas." He said, looking over a Ruby. "Where's Nani, kid? I don't got all day." Ruby kept his mouth shut, shrugging softly as his eyes warned Jamal silently not to say anything. He noticed, turning toward him now. "I'll hurt you if you don't tell me."

Belleza | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now