Belleza - Chapter Ten

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Nani felt her stomach turn, realizing that the man on top of her wasn't Oscar, it was Mario. She twisted and turned, feeling physically disgusted when the sweat from his forehead and his body dripped onto hers. Squirming, she let him stand up straight to stroke himself onto her stomach. She bit her lips, shutting her eyes tightly as the warm liquid filled her belly button.

"I payed your boss already." He stood, picking up his clothes from the floor of his bedroom. She picked up her dress, disregarding her undergarments on the floor. She didn't have the time nor energy to do all of that, then she nodded, swallowing the bile rising in her throat. "Hope to see you soon."

She gagged, making a route to the door, but he stopped her, handing her a bill. She looked up at his face, "I thought you paid my boss already?"

He shook his head, insisting on her grabbing it. "This is for you." She hesitated, but took the bill from him.

Today was her first day back at work, prostituting herself for money. Oscar would kill her and hang her from a tree if he found out. She felt completely dirty. But there was no ther way she knew of to make money, Oscar would eventually leave her again and she'd be left with nothing. She couldn't do that, not again. Her walk home was long, sad. She felt bad for lying to Oscar, and having to look at him in his eyes knowing she slept with another man, with Mario, and what made it worse was that it was for money. He did it on purpose, though. He knew she didn't want anything to do with him anymore so he took it to her job, to pay for her to have sex with him. He knew she wouldn't be able to say no.

Her thoughts flew out of her mind when she heard the loud music coming from their house. She looked up, noticing his homies scattered all around the lawn, Oscar sitting on a black crate next to his little brother, smoke pouring from his lips. She took a sharp breath, closing her eyes to silently give herself a pep talk before crossing the street.

"Hi mama, where you been?" Oscar flicked his blunt, the ash falling onto the concrete. She watched the wind carry it away as she shook her head softly.

"Um, I was helping Ruby with something."

Oscar's eyebrows pulled together, glancing at Cesar who scoffed. "Ruby was just here. He just left."

"Oh." She bit her tongue, "well, yeah he left before me. But I stayed to check if I had grabbed all of my stuff from his room."

Oscar pursed his lips, before bringing the blunt to them, inhaling and nodding his head at her, "you alright there?"

She nodded, walking pass the group of men staring at her breasts poking through the thin material of her dress, "I'm gonna shower."

Oscar stared at the ground for a second, taking in a breath before switching his gaze to Cesar who was shaking his head, "she's lying to me, ain't she hermanito?"

Cesar blew air through his teeth, "I don't know bro, somethin' ain't addin' up."

"What's up Spooky?"

Oscar looked up, at the sound of his name. Mario was standing in front of him with Ruby next to him. The poor younger brother was looking at the ground, he was obviously forced to come with. "Que honda?" He leaned back, crossing his arms. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh." Mario laughed, "my bad, Nani left these in my room." He pulled out a black pair of underwear, hanging them from his finger. "Don't they look familiar compa?"

Cesar's jaw dropped, looking at Oscar who hadn't comprehended yet. But when he did, he stood up, taking a couple of angry steps towards Mario. He looked him up and down, taking his girlfriends underwear from his grip. "What exactly are you trynna do, fool?" He took the underwear from his hand, hiding it in his fist. He didn't want his homies to see the type of shit his girl was rocking.

Mario shrugged, "nothing man," He chuckled, nudging him. "We're cool right?"

Oscar stared at him, his eyes narrowed. "No." He spat, "get the fuck up out my face before you don't leave here alive."

Mario chuckled, pulling his brother by his collar along with him and Oscar balled the blank cotton in his hand, his knuckles turning white. He had watched her put those on just that morning after they showered together.

"You can't believe him just like that," Cesar set his hand on his brothers back. "Maybe that's what Nani went over there looking for." He shrugged Cesar's hand off of him, walking into the house. He stormed into the restroom, where Nani poked her head out behind the shower curtain.

"Hey baby." She turned the water off, grabbing one of the towels on the rack with a soft smile. Now that she felt clean she could look him in the eyes. "What's up?"

He shook his head, pouting his lip. "Nada, uh..." He scratched the back of his head, "someone came to drop this off for you." He let the panties hang from his finger, the first thing she noticed was the thick waist band that read 'Victoria's Secret' and her eyes widened. He caught her surprised look, his arms falling to his side. "I knew it." He shook his head, "I fuckin' knew it."

"Oscar, there's a reasonable explanation for why my underwear was in Mario's room, I—"

He raised an eyebrow, "who said they were in Mario's room?"

"I just assumed he was the one who—"

He chuckled dryly, "and why would you assume that?"

"That's not fair, Oscar." She wrapped the towel snug around her body, moving her wet hair to one side, "just let me explain."

"Nah," he shook his head, dropping the thin fabric to the floor. "I knew something was going on there."

"There's not—"

"Damn, look at you." His chuckle turned into a whole laugh, "you still lyin to me, right to my face." She pouted, defeated. Oscar's face went completely straight and he took two steps toward her. "You're a hoe, Nani. You were always a hoe, I don't know why I thought I could change that." Her mouth parted, surprised at the words he said to her. He stared at her for a second, waiting for her to say something. When she didn't, he turned around and walked out of the restroom.

Belleza | Oscar DiazDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora