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Filler chap. Let me get some comments though, tell me what y'all thinking/reacts/ what y'all liking/dislike. Damn y'all be silent 😒 LETS GO

Kells pulled up to the hospital, leaving the kids with Dean. He walking in the waiting room to find Dejah crying, he pulled her into his chest as her cries muffled for a second.

"I'm here" was all he said before the nurse came out

"He's up and stable right now so you can go see him"

Dejah rushed down the hall into the room where Joseph was already sitting up.

She hugged him "Why didn't you tell me about the cancer?!"

Joseph immediately looked at Kells with anger thinking he told "Why'd you tell her?!"

Kells face instantly scrunched up in confusion

Dejah began to walk torwards him "YOU KNEW ?! YOU KNEW THE WHILE FUCKING TIME?!" She punched him in his chest

He grabbed her hands "calm down in this damn hospital fore I hurt ya lil ass"

She paused "I'm done, I'm not gon do this here"

He let her go but soon as she started to walk away she turned back around and swung to his face immediately

It threw Kells off guard when he started to taste the blood from his busted lip. He wiped his face as he looked at her "iight, you got it"

Dejah was in shock as she stared at him, she hadn't expected to hit him so hard and the look in his eyes made her regret it. She was a little scared.

Kells chuckled a lil as he seen the fear in her, he walked past her and patted Joseph "aye you get better old man, I'll be back"

He walked out the door

Dejah sat still beside his bed "I'm not ready to live without you"


Marc walked the treadmill as drake blasted through his wireless headphones

The sweat was piling up, he stopped the machine and stepped down for a minute.

"You was going in" the high pitched voice spoke up

Marc picked his hanging head up to see the young man in front of him with pink and neon green workout gear from head to toe, clearly a gay

"Jamie, nice to meet you" he extended his hand

Marc shook his hand "nice to meet you"

Jamie flashed his pearly whites off again as he smiled and spoke "I'm new to the area, from Chicago. We should hang out sometimes"

Marc nodded "yes, yes, I'm lonely here besides my family"

They quickly exchanged digits before Marc left the gym. Before he even got home he got a text from Jamie "wanna go out tonight?!"

Marc looked at the text and smiled, he hadn't went out for a good time in a long time


Chubs laid on the bed as he stared at Marc getting dressed in the mirror "fuck you tryna look so cute for?"

Marc turned around and walked back to the bed "my damn self" he kissed chubs quickly

Chubs rolled his eyes "Ima miss you though, come back soon" he said it in a rude tone but he meant it

Marc laughed "you'll be okay, okay I'm going"

He pulled up to pick up Jamie from the address and then they made their way to the roof top party.

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