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Dejah walked in Kells house with MJ on her shoulder. Kells grabbed him and his bag before laying him down

Dejah walked in his kitchen and sat down at the island "we needa talk"

Kells sat down next to her in his Gucci pajama set and matching flip flops "wassup babygirl?" He ate a couple of grapes out of a bowl

Dejah sighed "I'm pregnant" Kells face lit up , dejah put up one finger as to tell him hold on "I'm pregnant and I don't want to keep it"

Kells face turned sour quickly "why not dej?"

Dejah pulled her hair behind her ear "I don't want more kids right now Kells. I'm working on myself, I'm getting my education and taking care of a baby already. I wanna be married before I have any more kids and even more important I wanna be happy when I'm having my baby"

Kells sucked his teeth "so what? I don't got no say in this?"

Dejah shook her head "no.... not really"

Kells blood began to boil "fuck it then, I ain't got nothing else to say" he became so cold to her in less than a minute

Dejah looked down at the floor as her hands fidgeted "you'll never understand Kells cause it's always about you. I love you more than life but you are so selfish, you want me to keep the baby FOR YOU, you want me to go through the hell of pregnancy and labor FOR YOU, you want me to put my education and work on hold FOR YOU, you want me to continue popping out babies all fucking day long so I can stay at home and depend on ya ass cause you make the money and you get to have all the freedom and fun! Nigga bye! I don't get to be in my bag too?!"

Kells face scrunched up as he waved her off "man fuck outta here on that stupid shit. If you don't wanna have the baby I can't force you to keep it. Do what you want dej like you always do, whatever makes you happy" his fist clenched with anger "just do it away from me.....PLEASE!"

Dejah looked in his eyes and it was the first time she EVER looked in Kells eyes and felt nothing but coldness, his eyes were empty. She looked at how he began to tap his foot in aggravation. "Do you still love me?" She asked calmly

Kells shoulders shrugged , his tone and answer so nonchalant "I don't know, damn! fuck that matter for anymore ? Shits done"

Dejah just left, when sat in her car she began to cry as she leaned on the steering wheel.


Shai was grading test while she sat at her desk after school

Her phone on do not disturb and her music playing lowly, frank ocean's blonde album on shuffle

Alan knocked on her door, over the last two weeks they had spent almost every lunch together just conversing about everything except work, talking political ideas, laughing about childhood memories, and even sharing embarrassing facts and moments.

He came in holding his briefcase and keys as he was getting ready to close up shop for the day at school and head to football practice, he took pride in his coaching"Hey, i was wondering if any of the boys off my football team are falling behind in your class?"

Shai smiled "Mr.Green you know that is confidential but someone's star wide receiver refuses to come see me after school"

He shook his head "that boy dayveon got so much talent but he gotta get right with these books. He'll be by monday before class starts"

Shai nodded "he's not stupid, he comes in here and when he talks I see he pays attention" she shrugged "he just doesn't want to do the work"

Alan folded his arms "well... are you coming to the game tonight?"

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