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When I came downstairs Miles and Josh we're already out in the car. All of the lights were off in the house so I ended up tripping down the stairs.

I went to the car, and what a surprise, they were going to make me sit in the back. I knocked on the window of the passenger seat and they both looked up.

"Get out of my spot." I said with a sickly sweet smile. The Miles guy looked up at me, I backed away figuring he would get out, but the dick locked the door and laughed at me. Oh this kid is so going down! I opened the back seat door and held him down while unlocking the front door. I got out super quick, and opened the door, pulled him out, I sat in MY spot then shut and locked the door giving him a smirk.

He stood for a minute and looked at me, he shrugged his shoulders and then got in the back. That's right get in the back like a good little bitch. Why are you taking the car if it's right down the street, you ask? Well it's because my brother likes to get so drunk he passes out, so whatever, looks like I will drive him home. Sigh.

We pulled up to the house and I got out, we walked into the house together but eventually split up. I went over to talk to my best friend Jessa , "Hey, didn't you just tell me you couldn't come at school?"

"Yeah I did, but I have my ways to get what I want." I said. She laughed.

"Have you seen David?" I asked.

"Yeah he was in the kitchen last I saw him."

"Ok I'll catch up with you in a bit then."

I walked over to the kitchen to see if I could find my boyfriend, we needed to end things soon he was getting a little clingy. When I walked through the door I stopped in my tracks at what I saw. It was my boyfriend making out with the school whore Jasmine. Well I guess this break up will be easy.

He looked up to see who it was, to tell them to go away, but when he saw me his eyes bugged out and he started rambling his apology. "'s not..wait." interrupted him, " Save it, I don't want your apology or anything you have to say, I hope you two are happy together." Then I walked out. I walked over to my brother and told him I was going to get some air. I walked out into the backyard and saw an old swing set I figured why not. I sat down on the rickety swing and just relaxed. After a few minutes I thought about going back into the house but then I heard a noise coming from the bushes right inside the woods.

If I'm being honest I have absolutely no idea as to why I went in the woods but I did. I went to see what the noise was, actually at first I didn't see anything but then my eyes adjusted. I heard a low growl coming from directly behind me. I turned around and I saw a giant black wolf with glowing yellow eyes, I froze I was eye to eye with this...beast and it lunged at me and bit my wrist. I got some sense knocked back into me and I screamed and started running my scream must have spoked the wolf because he didn't chase after me.

I came out of the woods and the first thing I see is my brothers friend Miles so I run up to him, "M...Miles I...I was bitten by this big dog thing where is my brother?"

At this his eyes went wide then serious and he took hold of my arm and dragged me to my brother. My vision was starting to blur and I was relying mostly on Miles to keep me walking. All I remember is getting to my brother and then everything going black.

The Diary of a Bitten GirlWhere stories live. Discover now