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We pulled up to the station, and I was the first in the building.

"Can I help you?" the man behind the desk asked.

"Yes. I'm here to talk to Dick Grayson."

"You can follow the chief down the hall."


I sat in the chair facing the glass pane, and picked up the phone.

He walked in with a woman in uniform by his side.

He sat across from me, and all the bruises and cuts on his face brought tears to my eyes.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey? Really? I told you to stop. I told you to walk away. But you can't do that, can you? He was an asshole, Dick. Assholes aren't worth your time."

"Paxton-" he stopped and breathed. "I'm sorry."

"That's it? I appreciate your apology, but next time-"

"There won't be a next time."

"Yes there will. There's always a next time."


"Stop. Let me finish. Next time, walk away."

"I will. I promise." He put his hand to the glass, and I put mine to his.

"Where did you go after I punched him?"

"It happened again," I whispered. "I called Damian, and he helped me through it. Then we went home to get everyone to come here. For you. Alfred's probably talking to the front desk right about now. You'll be out-"

"Okay, Grayson, that's all the time you have," the woman said.

"What? No! Please, a few more minutes," I pleaded.

"Paxton, I'll be okay. I'm keeping a low profile."

"You're Richard Grayson. There's no such thing as a low profile. He didn't give you all those bruises, did he?"

He ignored the question.

"I love you," he said before getting pulled from the chair.

I hung the phone back on the wall and walked out.

I wiped the tears off my cheeks as I strode over to Damian.

I was engulfed by his arms, and he asked, "Is he okay?"

"They're hurting him. The other prisoners. And I don't think he's standing up for himself."

"I don't believe he's just taking a beating without returning it."

"Sir, what do you mean we can't get him out until next week?" Alfred asked.

"He assaulted another man. We have to investigate the situation."

I stepped back from Damian, and towards Alfred.

"That man assaulted me first."

"What?" Alfred asked.

"Yeah. He did. He touched me inappropriately, and he kept dragging me towards the bathroom. I've got bruises on my wrist."

"Ma'am, I can't do anything with that information. I'm only the secretary. You'll have to talk to a policeman."

"Well, can you direct me to someone I can tell?"
"We can't do anything about this. I'm sorry, Miss."

"What do you mean? But he-"

"That's not classified as rape, ma'am. There's not enough evidence, and there aren't any witnesses. I'm sorry."

"Yeah, me, too." I walked out of the room, where Dick was waiting with the rest of the boys.

"Dick!" I threw my arms around his neck. "How-"

"My bail was settled early. Alfred paid it. I'm out. A few weeks of community service, nothing I can't handle."
time skip (one year)
"Hey, Pax," Dick said.


"You wanna go out tonight?"


"I can't take my girlfriend out to a party?"

"Alright. Alright. What time?"

He checked his watch. "Uh, nine sounds good, right?"

I was barely ready by nine. My go to dress burned off, so I was stressed trying to find a different one."


"Hmm?" he asked, coming out of the bathroom. He was already dressed.

"I don't know what to wear."

He looked in my closet, and found another black dress. Prettier than the first.

"Where'd you find that one?"

"The back."

I put it on, and he smiled. "I have good fashion sense."

"Shut up."
I grew tired after hours of being there, so Dick drove back home.

He seemed extremely nervous. "Are you okay?"

"What? Yeah. Totally."

"You sure? You seem a little on edge."

"I'm fine, Paxton," he snapped.

"O-okay, Dick. Calm down a little."

"You calm down!"

"What the fuck is going on? Jesus, are you sure you're okay?"

"This isn't ideal, but I can't wait. I might chicken out."

"What?" I asked as he pulled over.

"Get out of the car for a second please."

"What? Dick, you're scaring me-"

"I'll meet you out, Princess."

I sighed, and opened the door.

He walked over to me a few seconds later.

"This isn't what I had planned, but I'm not a pussy," he said getting down on one knee.


"Paxton Jade Al Ghul, will you marry me?"

My eyes filled with tears almost instantly.

"Yes! Yes! A million times, yes!"

He stood back up, and I kissed him, throwing my arms around his neck.

"I love you," I said when our lips parted.

"I love you, too," he said, sliding the ring onto my finger.

A crowd had formed, and no doubt was taking photos of us. I could already see the headlines.
"Bruce Wayne, owner of Wayne Enterprises, adopted son, Richard 'Dick' Grayson, proposes to mystery girl," I hear Alfred reading from the paper when I walk into the kitchen for breakfast.

"Mystery girl," I said smiling.

"Congrats, Pax," Damian said. "Took him long enough," he added to Dick's annoyance.

I hugged him, then walked over to Dick. He was making coffee.

"Morning Princess," he said, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Good morning."

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