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time skip (one week)

I stood next to Dick, and held his hand. I dressed in all black. A simple dress, and heels.

The rain falling around us made everything worse. As the grave lowered deeper and deeper into the ground, the pit in my stomach grew larger and larger.

I buried my face in Dick's chest and cried. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my head.

I peeked over his shoulder at Damian. We made eye contact for a quick second before he looked away. I reached my hand out to him, and he grabbed it.

"I love you," I mouthed.

"I love you, too," he answered.

I turned back to the grave, and my grip on Dick tightened.

As we left, I smiled at Bruce's colleagues, faking happiness. On the inside, it felt like everything was crumbling.
Dick drove around aimlessly for hours and said nothing.

"You can talk to me, you know."

"I know, Princess. I just don't know what to say."

"Why don't you start with where we're going?"

"I don't know where we're going, so where do you want to go?"

"Anywhere but the house."

"I know a place."

"Then, let's go there."

His hand came to my thigh and he traced patterns into it with his thumb.

I smiled. A real, genuine smile. Only Dick could bring it out at a time like this.
We sat in silence for a long time before he finally said, "Do you have control over it yet?"


"The fire thing."

"That was a week ago. It hasn't happened since. I have no idea what the fuck it even is."

"Just try. Think about it maybe. And if it does happen, don't freak out. That always makes things worse."

I closed my eyes, and held out my right hand.
I sat on my window seat waiting to hear the door open. I was like a thirteen year old boy trying to watch porn without getting caught by his mom.

Ever since my hands had caught fire, I'd seen fake Paxton at least five times. She'd taught me how to use it. I wasn't one to listen to her, but she wasn't lying about my ability. The things she said I could do, I really could if I put my mind to them.

So, there I sat, flicking my hand up and down like a lighter, watching a flame appear and disappear.

I didn't want Dick to know. I didn't want him to think I was any different from before. I had seen my flames get scary. Fucking six foot flames.

I began to experiment on my own.

Can I put it out with my other hand, or will it catch fire? Caught fire.

If I close my hand, does it extinguish? Extinguished.

Can it burn things like a real fire? Miscellaneous items burnt to ashes. But, not my hair. Interesting.

The front door opened, and I dusted the ashes under my bed.

"Pax? Where are you?"

It was Dick.

I hopped back onto the bench and laid down facing the window.

"Pax? Paxton-" he stopped into of my doorway. "Oh."

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